Nectar for the Gods

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I have the 8 bottle "Advanced" feeding schedule from Nectar for the Gods. I am not fully happy with my House and Garden synthetics. I dont have my organic supersoil going yet zo next best thing is my Nectar for the Gods.

Any experience with this brand?

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
I personally like it and gonna keep using it. Finishing up a grow with it now, one thing i will say is if ur making alot at once you will end up with alot of bone meal at the bottom of your res., this next run i gonna mix them in 5gal bottles filled from my R/O res. check out my sig if u want.


Well-Known Member
I'm using this brand right now and used it in my last grow. I really like it. It's very gentle on the plants. Definitely use the Bloom Chaos with Herculean Harvest. The quality of bud I grew with this line of nutes is I think, top shelf.

Check out these few videos for greater detail:
- Base line

- nutrient additives (Advance line)

- More info on Bloom Chaos