Nearly There, Noob in need of help


Right i have all the equipment required, i have a dual light spectrum high pressure sodium light 600w, a really good space, nice little desk fan, miracle grow moisture release compost, and some lovely wonder woman feminized seeds, ive been told to hold off on the nutes for the first month or so cause of the compost, but i will get some, any suggestions (uk grower), i have one problem though, im unsure with what to do with my seeds, i know i am king noob (but i gotta start somewhere) :weed:


Well-Known Member
germinating: the technique I use has worked 100% of the time (found it here on riu). you will need a paper plate, white paper towels (no printed design on them) and a zip lock plastic baggie, and boiling hot water. fold the paper towel in half, themn fold it in half again so that its a qurter the size of the original. hold it by one corner with a pair of kitchen tongs, pore boiling hot water all over the paper towel to sterilise it; let cool to room temperature. when the paper towel is cool, open it so that you have it folded in half, place seeds on one half of the towel, then fold the other half back over the seeds so they are sandwiched between. place this "seed sandwich" into the ziplock baggie and close the ziplock halfway. put the baggie on paper plate then place on top of your cable box or satelite receiver or playstation 3 for that matter, just need a good source of warmth. make sure it's not in direct light either. give it a couple of days and check on should have taproots sprouted in no time.

plant the seeds in soil with taproot down, about a quarter of an inch from the top of the soil, cover with soil and water (water slowly or the churning of the water and soil will overturn your seedling)

peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you can either drop thos seed right into pots of soil. or you can germinate them in a paper towel. fold up the towl a few times put it on a little plate, put the seeds inside the paper towel (like inside the folds) and put a bowl over this to keep the humidity inside. check on this evry like 6-12 hrs to make sure the towel isnt dried out. sometimes seeds wont germ if there cold so one trick someone on this site showed me is to put the plate ontop of the cable box or something that gives off a little heat.

when your seeds sprout make a little like 1 cm deep finger hole in the soul and drop the sprout in root down. oh and make sure your hands are clean and dont touch the root if you can avoid it and be gentle. but then you just cover the hole over with a little soil, sont pack it down just let it fall there it lands. water thouroughly evry other day or when the soil feels completetly dry. you dont want to over water because a plants roots grow best when they need to search for water.

18/6 light/dark is a good light cycle to grow your plants under. veg them untill there like a foot tall and then swich them over to 12/12 for flowereing

good luck king noob let me kno if theres anything else i can help with


Well-Known Member
you want to germinize your seeds first theres a # of ways you can do this you can do the paper towel methode or the water in a cup methode I like the paper towel methode just wet the paper towel put the seeds on one side then fold it over the seeds and place in a plastic bag seal and stick it on a window seal 2-3 days later get them out and put in soil hydro what ever your going to grow them in if you have any questions you can always message me. peace


I've always germinated seeds by floating them in a small glass of water then putting it in a dark warm place, a closet right above a refridge for example. When they sprout I plant them 1/4 inch as said but I now handle them with clean tweezers since hearing that bacteria from your hands can infect them. Plus it makes all so clinical and scientific - next I need a white lab coat LOL


Well-Known Member
campwoof: that was'll need a pocket protector for that lab coat too!

although i hadn't read about bacteria on my hands affecting them, it makes sense...i'll be doing the sanitised tweezers from now on! peace :leaf: