NE1 know where to get a nice cheap Shroom Kit?


Well-Known Member
anybody know what's the best cheapest kit for shrooms....i plan on starting a little one. even know i don't know much, always time to learn. hopeing not to spend more than 100 bucks on a starter kit or something...just to see if i can make it all work.


Well-Known Member
or you can spend like $50-70 and buy the materials yourself including the spores.

do some research on


Well-Known Member
yeah, i've been looking all day....
good site? trust worthy?
i also seen....
trust worthy sites?.....

more of an experiment....

wouldn't a 12ft high little fish tank with the fine?

just by 15-20 dollar spores....

20 buck fish tank...

4 dollar brown rice flour...

5 dollar vermiculite...

10 dollar L.E.C.A.....

10 dollar Quick Dry....


Well-Known Member
here is a good link to an awesome fruiting chamber you can try as an experiment. That's how I went into this project as well.

Poormans Pod - Boxes - Shroomery Message Board

As for spores I would recommend Spores101 mushroom spore strains available in print or syringe

Very reliable and i have had 3/3 shipments with discrete success.
This is has a good tech for creating an almost self-automated fruiting chamber out of maybe $40 worth of materials. Then all you have left is $20 for spores, like $7 for mason jars, $5 BRF and $3.50 for Vermiculite. Plus I would also get some lysol spray disinfectant (great for cleaning your bathroom or kitchen when you inoculate the jars) and some disposable latex gloves to keep contams low while you prepare the jars.

You can get a pressure cooker to insure a lower chance of contams but you can use a large pot and boil the jars instead of similar success.

I know i'm forgetting some stuff but that should be you started. Click on the link in my signature for my detailed grow setup and you can see how my grow is going. The first page has a pretty good jar recipe and some other supplies are mentioned. There is also a link to good beginning shroom growing tech courtesey of


Well-Known Member
i understand what everything is besides the BRF....?

and have you ordered from spores101?

cause i see i can order from that other site and save 5 bucks.


Well-Known Member
BRF = brown rice flour

It's not the best substrate but it's cheap and a good starting point for beginners. Make sure it doesn't have any preservatives either.

EDIT: Yes I have had 3 successful orders from spores101 all received within 5-7 days. Where you get them from is up to you, but spores101 does deliver and i have had success with their spores.


Well-Known Member
so if i bought a big clear tote...

a bubbler....

maybe put some platic thing down for the cakes to float on or sit on....

the brown rice flour




and Quick Dry if i wanted to dry some out.....

that should be everything i'll need besides the Spores. correct?

what should the temp. stay at?