NattyHead357's Pineapple Express SOG. Pics, Vids. Comments are allowed.


Well-Known Member
So Here is the plan.

I have just germinated my G13 Pineapple express Fem. Seed.....Before people start telling me they have shitty genetics or its not a real strain. I would like to tell you this: I don't care. :mrgreen:

I am the type of person who would rather find out on his own then believe someone's secondhand bashing. That goes for anything, LST, Topping, Nutes, Soil.. whatever.

So Please Don't clog up my thread with that nonsense. Thanks

Any way Back to the "plan"
I have just planted the seed in some moist Soil Mix to germinate the seed. I have a Humidity Dome and One CFL on it to provide Light when It breaks the ground.

I Will Be growing this plant as a mother in order to take clones from her (obviously). I am going to try and set up the timing right with every thing So I can harvest 1 or 2 plants every Week or two. Remember this is a SOG grow so I will not be looking for Size but rather Quantities.

I Will Be growing this mother with CFLs and get her to the size that I want. Once I harvest my current grow then I will start to clone the Mother and move the clones (once rooted) under a 400W HPS. once the cycle kicks in I should be able to harvest every 1-2 weeks.

Anyways Feel Free To Join In...All Comments, Questions, Observations are welcomed.

I will try to update the grow with as many Pics and Videos as necessary to show you the growth of this operation.

It's going to be a fun ride!

Seedling (2).jpgSeedling (1).jpgSeedling (4).jpgSeedling (3).jpg


Well-Known Member
I wish I had one grow let alone 2. I already have a plan for another one using the cfl's I have left over for seedlings, I just don't have any room for this 400w right now. I'm going to start from scratch in a week or so, in the meantime I need reading material :D I'm going to germinate 2 of those Jack Herer seeds when I get my setup done how I want it.

What soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Man G13 PE is garbage, What a weak ass strain. Plus I gotta tell you I don't think you LST or Top or use Nutes, soil or lights.. ha ha
I'm in brother. Keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
actually I wanted to ask you about that. Why'd you decide to go with germing in soil instead of the glass then paper towel method you had such success with?


Well-Known Member
Cuz I like experimenting.. lol

I'm wierd man. I like to do stuff different. I know the Paper towel method works. Why not try something different??