

Active Member
I've noticed in the past week a few nats in my closet near the plants. So far, they don't seem to be doing any damage to my babies, just hovering around the lights that're on a 24/0 schedule.

Should I be concerned about the nats, or should I not worry about them?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the gnats will lay eggs in your soil and feed on your roots. i hate them little bastards, but it could be worse, like spider mites.


Active Member
I don't want to lose my plants. I have two of them, and they're doing good other than the gnats.

How can I get rid of them without damaging my babies?


Well-Known Member
- get insect/fly sticky paper from HD or Loews. Cut in half and place in the room area. You will soon see how much a problem you have. It's most likely worst then you realize.

- Neem oil - long term fix

- Fruit/veg. insect spray organic from HD/Loews

- very thin top coat of clean sandbox sand on plants.

98% gone now.


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are pretty common and usually not a huge issue. They result from not allowing your top soil to dry out enough between waterings.

To rid your grow of gnat larva, place slice(s) of raw potato on the soils surface and leave a while. If you have gnat larva in your soil, they are drawn to the potato. Check the potato after 12-24 hrs and you may see the larva there. If so, toss the infested piece and replace. When you don't find larva on the potato 2-3 X's in a row, they're gone.
The adults lay eggs in moist soil. The layer of sand is often used after grow is clean of gnats.
IMO, they are not a big deal unless they get out of hand, which I've never seen happen.