name this bug??please


Active Member
this bug is in my outside garden
can you help me?name and tell me how to keep it away?
its on all kinds of things mj to basil
but not on tomato



Well-Known Member
does your camera have macro settings? i see the leaf behind perfectly but the ugly bastard is blurry

he looks kinda like the mexican bean beetle that was in my garden last year but this was yellow. when it was fully mature it looked like a lady bug but the youre ones looked kinda like this but not white

im going to guess its some form of beetle in the larva(dont really know my bugs, larva may not be the right word but i mean not fully developed) stage


Well-Known Member
Can not see it in this picture. If your plants are not flowering you can just get a broad spectrum insect poison, I use End All on anything I don't know, you can try neem oil, but I don't know what you are battling. I would go straight to the poison (don't eat the herbs for a few days after), unless you are in the flowering stage. Then I would use something like botanigard. The problem with that is Botanigard only works on soft bodied bugs. Like I said, best thing is go to the poison. As for protecting your garden from further infestations, I spray my room (along baseboards, all corners, around door frames, windows, light fixtures) anywhere bugs can get in with Home Defence Max. It's a wicked product. I use it all over my house. I live out in the country side and bugs are horrid. When I first moved in 2 years ago, I'd wake up to bugs crawling on me in the night(I freak out cuz I hate bugs, they scare the hell out of me). Step one I cleaned the house top to bottom, full wash down. Step two I sprayed the Home Denfence max all over the house like discribed. The nex day I got up and there were dead bugs everywhere. I mean this stuff just killed everything. It's great, if anything walks over it, it curls up and dies. I usually apply it once a month to once every two months. I didn't do it all winter so it's been 5 months or so and now with the warm weather it's time to do it again. Good news is, it still seems to be working, I still find dead bugs in any area I sprayed it where they were coming in and My bug days are over. Definatly a great product. On a side note, I don't think you should do this, but I had some kind of milipede bugs in my basil plants so I doused the soil with this stuff ( I think it said you can use it in the garden outside) and all these milipede things stated to come out the soil and go crazy then re burry themselves like they were trying to get it off. That was the last I ever saw of them. The only thing is I didn't want to eat the basil for a while after in case it got comtaminated and the stems went really woody. I had to wait for all the new growth to get the nice soft stems again. Bottom line though it killed everything and my plants thrived after. Good luck


Well-Known Member
If you use neem make sure you re-apply. Very good product, but works on the youngsters not the adults.