Name of a Switch


Active Member
Greets to all...

I am in need of a switch that will automatically switch from the light in grow area #1 when it goes out and automatically turn on the light in grow area #2 and have not found one online and was wondering if anyone knew what it is called.

I have googled automatic light toggle switch and other names and have found nothing yet.

Thank you Very much in advance for any help.


EDIT: description
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Well-Known Member
Don't think it exists as a single switch. I do alot of automotive electronics for a living 8
and you would have to use a series of UC and UO relays. That's how I would do it on certain electrical systems I've installed.

Second option would be using a bit more technical and require some more in depth circuit board building. You could use a series of transistors but would require voltage step downs and varies pains.

Thirdly and most simply why not just run addition timers for different lights.


Well-Known Member
What you are doing is called a "flip". Where two flowering rooms alternate schedules on a 12/12. Very easy to setup. If you use a flip box one ballast will run both lights. You usually have to power cycle the ballast at the flips with digital ballasts.


Well-Known Member
Just checked out the power box flip controller. Works on relays. Thought they might.

I guess you could of done logic gate control also buy at more of a cost when compared to relays.

Love learning!