N defiency


Active Member
Hello !
My plants have big n defiency so i bought some N nutrient.

I bought 15-0-0 nutrient, how much should i add it ?

It says 7ml per 1 litre put should i start from smaller quanity ?
THanks :) !


Active Member
Do you have a brand? I'd suggest at most half str on first feeding to see how your plants react, either way they will be more stoked now with the extra N.


Active Member
My bad man, should have been more specific, the plant food brand. :) again i'd suggest putting like 10 ml for every 4liters then slowly ramp it up if your plants don't react with burnt tips...


Active Member
Anytime, and most general plant foods recommendations are strong as hell for our beloved flower bongsmilie, with small dosages the plant should green up in a couple days, still yellowing? give it a slightly higher dose of nutrients and you should be good to go.