??(mystery)?? Bag seed


Hello all, i'm very much a newbie when it comes to this..i've always been interested and intrigued by cannibus and its use in religion and recreation, but never looked into myself, i've never smoked but I plan on smoking my first harvest..but any who..i had a horrible germination experience i could not get those things to pop in that stupid paper towel..but soon as i threw the seeds in the dirt they popped..out of maybe 15 seeds 8 have made it out the dirt but I have one true sprout and another that has yet to rise( stand straight) and the one true sprout i've noticed only has the two round leaves

while i've noticed that although the other sprouts arent straight up they already have two sets of leave..???....but its still very early in my grow so we'll see what happens


Well out of my 8 sprouts it looks like only 3 will make the final cut..the rest of them are moving very slow and i don't think they'll thrive..but as the clock ticks we'll see..i'll post pics when i deem it necessary


Well-Known Member
Give them some time. They can take a few days to start forming real leaves sometimes.

If they aren't femininized, keep 2x more plants than you need to account for males, which you will probably want to kill if you're just starting out.


yeah..i'm not ditching any of them yet..just taking into account that they may not make it..this is my very first grow and more seeds are accessible this is like a trial and error run for me..thanks tho :-) feel free to check in at any time


well the slow starters have risen so my seedling count goes from 3 to 5. I've decided that when its time to re pot i'll be using soil enhanced with rabbit manure, all organic, and to solve the problem of the male plants i'll just feed them to my rabbit. my way of fulfilling the circle of life.lol


so as of today I have 3 with actual marijuana leaves 2 have only the cotyledon.. the biggest and oldest plant is the one with the cotyledon so i've isolated it so that is can receive more light and care


so heres an update not much happening my oldest plant is now the second biggest..it has also started some crazy leaf formation and its growing weird..my second oldest is now the leader of the pack followed by two more seedlings..one of which has gone limp after panicking and re-potting I believe dehydration was the culprit, it is also the runt of the flock i will post pics tomorrow


Here are pics in order of age(which plant sprouted first):

this one has some crazy growth idk whats up with it..i assume it has something to do with the seed.

not as much growth as the others but it's coming along

these are the late starters about a week behind the others

and here's the runt..not much to say..i thought it had died at one point but it didn't, i've isolated it to a confined space where it get 24hours of light under a cfl with an opaque white dome..but this pic was taken before isolation



i have know Idea!!lol I have a dealer friend and I asked him if he had any seeds so he comes up to me with a plastic bag full of seeds that he's kept over time, 5 out of the 10 he gave me are what popped..so they could be anything lol


i left this one out sorry!
the second one is my pride an joy! :-) it is the biggest and best looking out of the bunch i'm praying she's a girl!! lol



i dont know yet..I have rabbit manure compost..high in nitrogen and phosphorous, and some fish fertilizer..I want to grow them as naturally as possible since this is my first grow..the last pic i posted is the rabbit manure compost mixed with a soil less potting mix


so as I stated before i have no idea what kind of seeds I have..so I went to check on my babies this morning and when I opened my closet door the fragrance of Lemon hit me in the face..What do you think I have..would you be able to tell from the scent?