mylan-cyclobenzaprine [Need sleep]


Okay, so I have some of these muscle relaxants left over from surgery from... like... I'd say close to a year ago and was wondering if they'd help me sleep? They're 10mg and I'm assuming 10mg is all I need to fall asleep. Being curious though, how many mg would give me a nice buzz before it knocks me out for sleepy poo? :P
Or should I take my clanazopam b4? mix it? Don't mix it? Lemme know! I don't mess around with pills often unless it's needed, but wouldn't mind gettin a tiny buzz. Let me knowwwww :)


This is mainly so I can sleep nicely while sick and I can rest up for an event tomorrow night, plus i work 8-5 so i need to be well rested. Been gettin plenty of fluids, Vit C, etc...


Well-Known Member
They will work better if you shoot them, just go get a needle from a diabetic.

Totally kidding, do not do that.


Lol, wow mannn, thats just brutal :p

Anyway, i took some clanazapam (ik I'm spelling it wrong) 2mg, should have me passed out soon.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i'm an insomniac, i've tried so many drugs from prescribed, to sleep meds, nothing in this world works better than a pure narcotic Indica cannabis strain. my go to is either Super Crystal or Anesthesia, great for relaxation and pain suppression, makes me incapable of focusing(in my case its a restless mind or pent up anxiety) on anything in particular and just lets me drift until i pass out. Find a nice indica, they work wonders. i can go 2-3 days at a time without sleep, they've changed my life.