MYCHORRIZAE. Do you use it and what brand line do you use + results?


New Member
Do you believe you are using the best mychorrizae? Explain your results.

I am currently using OregonismXL + CarboLoad by AN for microbial feed.

Ive seen multiple other brands

Tarantula + Piranha?



Well-Known Member
I use coco and inoculate with

Root grow - mycorrhizae fungi - in the seed hole and with each transplant.

Canna Aktrivator - Trichoderma - from week 2 of veg onwards. I reapply every few weeks until the middle of flowering.

The Trichoderma helps keep any soil pests at bay. Without I get a good population of springtails take up home in my pots.

The mycorrhizae helps the roots to uptake more nutrients.

I reapply these both at different stages due to using chemical based ferts.

I don't bother adding any carbs to supplement them.

Costs me £4.99 for the root grow sachet. Enough to apply to 4 pots for one grow.

Aktrivator £11 enough for 2-3 grows.



New Member
I reapply these both at different stages due to using chemical based ferts.

so using them in conjunction will cause burn or what?

I usually mix all nutes together with mychorrizae and trichoderma for one feed on an every other day schedule - 20oz feed per 5 gallon plant.

should i be distributing all nutes seperately?


Well-Known Member
I think you've misunderstood what I mean.

The myco I only use when transplanting. The roots exudates feed these fungi. I apply at seed stage.

Then again at first transplant. And then again in final transplant.

The Trichoderma I use every 2-3 weeks mixed in with my nutes.

I meant I reapply both myco and Trichoderma due to using chemical nutes. Fungi growth is at its best in an organic setup.

The very processes that convert organic matter into ionic forms that the plants roots can uptake is beneficial to the fungi.

Using chem nutes this process isn't there as the ions are already in a form the roots can uptake. So bacteria and fungi growth is inhibited somewhat.

That's why I reapply both during the grow. To help keep their numbers higher.



Active Member
I brew up the simplest tea ever I let Great White and Liquid Karma sit for at least two hours with an air stone


New Member
I have seen both and came near buying karma. Have you noticed any highly apparent benefit/outcome from using these parallels in your brew?


Well-Known Member
I use GW and Oregonism. Also add Actos to soil mix..its a nitrogen fixing bacteria. I bubble it all in teas too. All clones and seeds get it from the start.


Well-Known Member
thanks budman. im a AN person myself. guess piranha is worth the price. do you use any other Advanced Nutes?
I use sensi A &B, hammerhead, I also love roots accelerator with piranha, turns roots into monsters, tried both apart, better together premixed overnight in a bowl, with preferably molasses for food and thus wild reproduction, that is all that is needed really, The hammerhead for a PK boost when I see fit, the plant gets big enough roots and so foliage from the mycorrhizal fungi and so a healthy enough robust plant, probably just as good as growers on the full 101 bottle line up.

Nothing else will be of much benefit to either you or your plants, only the hydro vendor.

bud candy, Big Bud and Bud Igniter and such stay well clear, repackaged amino acids and B vitamins and such myths and weak PK formulas at astronomical prices.