My worst mistake starting out was....


Well-Known Member
giving too much attention to the plants.


noticed one day that my houseplants were doing much better than the cannabis (despite much more attention and light and whatnot)

thought about it and realised i just gave the houseplants what they needed, when they needed it and no more.

sure, i need to step it up a bit when im dealing with the cannabis (much more light =much more growth and quicker)

but still, my constant worrying about the plants (needed them alot :) and couldnt afford to buy what i needed in the quantities that i needed)

was leading to me overdoing things, feeding too often, watering too often, keeping the light too close and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
im quite accident prone so it somthing every week but the most recent eff up for lack of a better word i have pictures to tell this story...

i decided to hang my lights by the thin glass pieces connecting the different sides of the cfls together hanging one side by its cord and the other by the glass pieces so once upon a time a thing called gravity decided to intervene not once not twice but 3 times (3rd times the charm??) fell on my plants burning them i had to cut a plant early cuz the stems were burnt the second time it musta happened during night but the last time was the worst.

here you can see where it was connected and brokeIMG_20120111_062637.jpgIMG_20120111_062651.jpgIMG_20120111_061420.jpg

and here is just one of my plants burnt up (the worst one)IMG_20120111_110047.jpgIMG_20120111_110104.jpgIMG_20120111_110128.jpg


Active Member
biggest mistake was doing aeroponic for my first grow... lost like 3-4 plants due to ROOT ROT... now i keep the res bleached out and some h2o2 and sm90 on stand by... keep those res's clean and dark lol...


Well-Known Member
oh and there was last week when i decided to go away for the weekend and left my heater on in my veg room the night before it was 20 somthing outside and the next day it was 60 when i came home the heater was on full blast my thermometer read 92 degrees half of my plants were shrived down to the nub the other half were extremely pissed off they r still recovering from that.

IMG_20120111_111631.jpgIMG_20120111_111657.jpgthe whole top half was crisp so you can see where i cut it off goodbye colas, if they dont make some crazy mutant plant comeback i'll prolly just end up killing them

IMG_20120111_111620.jpgdont think she is gonna make it.
IMG_20120111_111709.jpgcant really see it but this was one of my fem northern lights seedlings that was doing really good so i decided to plant early good thing i kept the rest in the dome.


New Member
Trying to do hydro with the liquid pour and test ph method.. what a joke. If you are going to do hydro even a cheap PH meter is better then that crap.. I wasted so much time not really knowing where my water was at.. the plants life blood.. yea I was stupid.

Ahh many more things learned along the way too.. and STILL learning after 5 years. I can troubleshoot and adapt better now, but things still @!&@ up and you live, learn and adjust.


Well-Known Member
Trying to do hydro with the liquid pour and test ph method.. what a joke. If you are going to do hydro even a cheap PH meter is better then that crap.. I wasted so much time not really knowing where my water was at.. the plants life blood.. yea I was stupid.

Ahh many more things learned along the way too.. and STILL learning after 5 years. I can troubleshoot and adapt better now, but things still @!&@ up and you live, learn and adjust.
Blue lab industrial truncheon meter. Takes AAA batteries, adjusts to any temp, and you can stir your water with it!


Well-Known Member
My mistake was I used miracle gro dont get me wrong got some beautiful plants out of it but never again lol

Mister Black

Active Member
Not doing enough reseach on soil and mediums to grow in. Have had to transplant my NL auto 5 or 6 times so far and if she grows she'll need at least one more before flowering and maybe another after!
Too much stress on the plants has stunted their growth for a while before growing nicely again now.

Next time I will take a planned approach to nutes with an eye to what they need from looking at the plant.

Almost killing 2 of my plants with over nuting. Used nitro balls to 'correct' what I percieved as the yelllowing of a leaf. The result was a horribly burnt sapling!


:shock: I'm looking at ordering my T5 fixtures from ebay, do you think 600 reports with 98% positive is safe? Now I'm nervous again.
Youre good. I bought some quality stuff on ebay & I've run some of it for 5 cycles now. check out grow ace.


Two biggest mistakes were;

1. Not treating odor control and security seriously enough. My house was broken into while I was out on vacation and everything was ripped off. I imagine someone sniffed out the odor and waited til we were gone because the grow is completely hidden from public view and nobody but my girl knew about it. I have outdoor motion lights to deter prowlers and a home security system so if we are broken into, it won't go unnoticed. Also, killer air filtration system now.

2. Using a cheap ph meter. The meter indicated 6.5, the water was actually 8. 2 slow stunted cycles.... Live and learn


Active Member
Well my first grow i made many mistakes but id say worst was just letting the plant grow free will. I had a 6 foot plant and like 5 cfl's lol and then i cut it down thinking it was ready and it wasnt even close but the best way to learn is to do it and learn from your mistakes.