
Well-Known Member
yeah man. just like 4 days ago mine were up to the handles of the totes now they're practically at the top of it! Can't wait to see 'em all growns up!


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother!!! It took a lot of work and a little getting yellad at by a drunk Grizz through a PM, ha ha ha, but I think it all paid off. ANd if one or both of my babies ends up being a girl, whew forget about it I'll be fucking ecstatic!!!!
Well fucking jesus boy, you take my advice about doubling the lights and leave out the fan, hahaha. I'll never get pissed if you choose to make your own decisions because its your grow. Not mine. Like topping, you made the call cuz its your plants and its turning out well. Props. However leaving out the fan part of my advice was just plain stupid. I yell at the stoopids. Especially stupids who agree to accept tutelage ;).

Your plants are hitting that explosive veg phase man. My exp it lasts around 2-3 weeks for indicas and 4-5 weeks for sativas. Waiting a week I'll put dollars to doughnuts your plants will gain. . . . .lemme look again here. . . . .

20% height by sunday the 12th. If any exp dude comes across this, feel free to agree/disagree, this comes from experience not established fact. OOOOrrrrrr we can talk about some HST pruning then give the ladies a week to firm back up pre-flower. I think some heavy pruning will be a really good idea, you can get away with less pruning with an HID because the light has more balls. CFL light doesn't have huge nuts, branch and canopy management decisions are going to make a big difference in your harvest. PM me your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Ok So I took Green thumbs advice...

View attachment 982458

I cut off all of my leaves... all you need is the stems right??
Dude that's so weird, I just did the same thing!!!!! Sound advice, I've noticed vigorus growth and MASS bud production! Look how sticky it is, can you tell?????:clap::clap:

No, but on the realio, mkmkli your plants are lookin pretty dog! I want to grow some nice indica's BAD!



Well-Known Member
Hello all!
Time for a new Video.
They're looking a little sad cause I just got done pruning them but I'm sure they'll be looking splendid by tomorrow.


Comments por favor!!!


Active Member
Heres a pic from my LR2's. I hadn't named them till today.


Hey shitty thumbs make a pic like this. You know put something in it so we know its you that took the pic.


Well-Known Member
Lol, the production value of your vids seems to get better and better. I saw what you did there.

The ladies do look a little bedraggled, they'll bounce back soon enough though.
its me mr sticky thumb other profile not working so i made new 1. any just wanna say i wont act a fool no more its just grizzly and mk you guys are so funny i couldnt hepl it .


Active Member
HAHA Love the names!! yo How tall are those and how old are they??
They seeds were planted on 4/20. Sticky is a beanpole probably 5 to 6 inches and big around as a quarter, Thumbs is a chunk 4 inches and big around as a 50 cent piece. I really F''d up this grow. My cocky and lazy habits cost me alot of hieght. I used a topsoil with about 30% perlite. Mistake!!! I watered them once and that damn soil never drained. A week and a half later I had yellow plants and battling necrosis. To top it off I grabbed the wrong jug of water and watered them with water that had a 5.0 PH. Damn!!!!!!!! Sticky is now in MG organic potting mix with about 30%+ perlite and lime. Thumbs is in sunshine mix #1 with 30% more perlite, lime, and espoma bio tone starter plus. I have been giving both Liquid koolbloom at a diluted strenth. I also have 1 diesel ryder outside. She is about 14" and extremly late to bud. Most of the hieght is from bolting. Oh well. I will try to get a pic tomorrow.


Active Member
its me mr sticky thumb other profile not working so i made new 1. any just wanna say i wont act a fool no more its just grizzly and mk you guys are so funny i couldnt hepl it .
Admit it. You made another profile because you didn't know people could look and see the BS you were spewing. Don't worry sticky thumbs lives on for a little while.
Admit it. You made another profile because you didn't know people could look and see the BS you were spewing. Don't worry sticky thumbs lives on for a little while.
no thats the end of all shit from yesterday it was my stoned mates being stupid .nice plants like the names lol


Active Member
I only started growing indoors in January. Just wanted to mess around with some hydro. But I have caught the fever again. I grew two plants in a gallon sized DWC. They were bag seed and both males. DAMN THE BAD LUCK. I took the opp. to put the plants through thier trials. Including cutting the root ball in half, pushing the nutes to the limits and beyond, cloning, no nutes, Filled the res. why to much and why to little, letting the nutes run completly empty for 24 hours, HST traing, LSTing running the ph up and down till lock out occured. The plant never died and was able to recover from all stress. I did everything I could to kill it and it still never looked as bad as my autos.


Well-Known Member
Hey MK, and anyone else who wants to comment, I have a question for you. I am supposed to be getting a new batch of clones from my friend, and I wanted advice, suggestion on whether I should continue to grow outside, or I might have the chance to borrow a 400w hps, and a 600 MH, and set up an indoor grow. So my question is, should i stick to outside, or switch to inside?


Well-Known Member
I only started growing indoors in January. Just wanted to mess around with some hydro. But I have caught the fever again. I grew two plants in a gallon sized DWC. They were bag seed and both males. DAMN THE BAD LUCK. I took the opp. to put the plants through thier trials. Including cutting the root ball in half, pushing the nutes to the limits and beyond, cloning, no nutes, Filled the res. why to much and why to little, letting the nutes run completly empty for 24 hours, HST traing, LSTing running the ph up and down till lock out occured. The plant never died and was able to recover from all stress. I did everything I could to kill it and it still never looked as bad as my autos.

That's a cool ass experiment man. Hope I don't have a chance to try it myself, lol


Well-Known Member
Hey MK, and anyone else who wants to comment, I have a question for you. I am supposed to be getting a new batch of clones from my friend, and I wanted advice, suggestion on whether I should continue to grow outside, or I might have the chance to borrow a 400w hps, and a 600 MH, and set up an indoor grow. So my question is, should i stick to outside, or switch to inside?
OK I would weigh the Pros and Con.

Pros for Inside
-You can manipulate the grow as you please
-Electric bill

Pros For Outside
-Better Yeild
-Bigger Plants
-Possibility of Bugs and other pest greatly increases

I personally feel more in touch with my plants with an indoor grow. It almost feels like a baby lol!


Well-Known Member
Hey MK, and anyone else who wants to comment, I have a question for you. I am supposed to be getting a new batch of clones from my friend, and I wanted advice, suggestion on whether I should continue to grow outside, or I might have the chance to borrow a 400w hps, and a 600 MH, and set up an indoor grow. So my question is, should i stick to outside, or switch to inside?

Well as you know this is my first grow so I never grew outdoors but i like the idea of growing indoors cause you have complete control over the environment that your plants are in ya know..but to be able to get your hands on lights like that I'd say hell yeah try indoors man!!