My Two other window grown plants male or female or cant tell?


Well-Known Member
please just have a quick look and comment on my 2 other plants that i think could be males as only the pevious posted plant has white hairs, these to have nothing no hairs but no pods!



Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
It would help if you posted pics of the right area of the plant! Take some close up shots of the nodes closer to the top of the plant.

Alpine farmer

New Member
ok , you can tell if you plant is female or male by looking at the nodes preferred closer to the top a female will have 2 sacks and 1 hair coming out of each , males have more than one sack on each side no hairs coming out


Well-Known Member
well ive looked and theys deffently no hairs guys not a one! just little sprouting shoots everywhere but not balls like bunch of bananna shape ive sin before!

here are a couple of pics of the 3rd member to the 3 seeds i found!