My " Stuff" don't stink...!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks to my state legislation ( Colorado)....and my wise and kind doctor, I can now openly discuss marijuana.

Here's the deal...

I have a Super Silver's a month into flowering and buds galore !
( Sea of Green method )...still have 2 months left...ughh!

I did research on this strain before buying the clone...( PH levels, the kind of high itself!)

I'm pretty sure I've got all the bases covered...the plant is slow drooping leaves etc.( Did I mention the buds?!.)

I'm growing in dirt ( which is why it will take so Sativas can take 10 to 12 weeks to fully flower...and I'm taking this baby all the way )

The problem is there is no smell....sometimes I can get a faint Eucalyptus smell...but just sometimes.

I know from research that the end product will have a Lemony-Eucalyptus smell....and that it doesn't really begin to smell until the last month...another reason I got this strain...low smell.

But it's kinda freaking me out that there is no real smell to all!
The buds and leaves are becoming really crystallized...but even crushing a bud gives off no smell.

I've given the leaf and trim away to another MM user and he said he got pretty baked. ( I don't smoke leaf )

So it must be ok...just wish it had more smell...

My neighbor( another MM ) left some clones with me for awhile and those were only 6 to 8 inches tall and they already reeked...!! I mean eye watering....

I guess it depends on the weed...??? As the clones were things like Kush and Jack Frost....

The reason I'm kinda of stressed is that this is my first plant ever...!!!!!!! And I don't want to mess it up.


Well-Known Member
Good luck.. You'll be lucky if you don't mess something up. I bet you'll get some smell soon.
It is probably the strain dude but there is a possiblity that its a weirdo(freak) plant but if it looks healthy then its probably just the strain. But the funny thing is most people would be thrilled about a plant not smelling. I mean everyone would feel the way you feel and think its not growing right but low maintenance, low paranoia. Your legal though so obviously you want dank ass nugget smell.


Well-Known Member
It is probably the strain dude but there is a possiblity that its a weirdo(freak) plant but if it looks healthy then its probably just the strain. But the funny thing is most people would be thrilled about a plant not smelling. I mean everyone would feel the way you feel and think its not growing right but low maintenance, low paranoia. Your legal though so obviously you want dank ass nugget smell.

Well one of the reasons I picked the strain was the low smell....

I picked most of the strain info up from the Green House Seed...

I didn't really want super dank as the constant smell makes me nauseated...everyone in my building grows and it's bad enough the building smells like a skunk died....

Here's a pic...

PH is 5.8 with weekly flush at 5.5.( get rid of any salt build up) FoxFarm soil and Hydro rock mix...Foxfarm additives..watered every 2 days....

It's about 12 to 18 inches tall and 4 feet one friend said..A Bud Pancake..!!

Even my Caregiver says it looks healthy but is puzzled by the lack of smell...though he said it does happen.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
maybe it smells and you don't realize it. You can smell plants in veg but I have a long flowering sativa in my closet going on the 4th week and it really doesn't have any smell either but it's just the way it is because it doesn't even have any trichs yet but give it a couple weeks I'm sure the smell will start to show it's self. Anyways welcome to RIU wish you luck and good strain selection! It's been on my list of must grows for a while now.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
how do you have a caregiver and grow?
yes you might want to clear that up i see people think they can have multiple care givers and that they can grow their own and have a caregiver but I think they are mistaken.


Active Member
Plant looks great man it will be ok. My first grow i used a few seeds i found in some super dank weed that i bought and there was no smell from the plants. I mean literally the only time you could get any smell was when u sort of squezzed a bud and smelt your fingers. The only smell really from those 4 plants i grew my first time around was a fresh plant like smell. However i eneded up harvesting around 3 oz's from the 4 plants and they never smelt even up to the day i chopped them down. During drying still not really any smell. However once i cured it and it was dry it had delicous smell to it and it was dank dank dank weed. So i grew the plants right and they turned out to be dank just no smell either. Now that im on my second grow i have some big buddah blue cheese clones and they are about 2 veeks into veg and they already smell strong lol. So i feel like its all on the plant these plants at 8 inches tall smell 20x stronger then my 5 foot tall plant that had huge buds and crystals all over. Everything looks great though be happy you dont have to deal with the smell and it should turn out great!!


Well-Known Member
lol, you ordered a low smell strain and are worried about it not being very smelly? especially since the info you were given said that it wouldnt really smell till the last month of flowering and you still have 2 months to go...... im sure they are fine.


Well-Known Member
how do you have a caregiver and grow?

I'm allowed 24 plants..I grow 1...he grows the other 23 and gives me an 2 ounces every month. Or a half of any kind of the 14 strains he grows every week. And he grow some really good stuff...really good...his Blue Dream is insane...

The rest he sells to the local dispensary...

I just grow one for something to do...

Next plant I'm going to Bonzai.....


Well-Known Member
I say you are fortunate, most are having problems controlling odors. I think your ph is a lil low for dirt but if it's working I wouldn't mess with it


Well-Known Member
lol, you ordered a low smell strain and are worried about it not being very smelly? especially since the info you were given said that it wouldnt really smell till the last month of flowering and you still have 2 months to go...... im sure they are fine.
lol..I know...

But I thought there would be the slightest smell at least...just a whiff here and there.

Oh Colorado you can make anyone your caregiver...and yes you can have a caregiver and long as the plant numbers adds up.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't know how it works...I have talked to friends who say they are allowed to have 25 plants I talked to a guy online who said he was allowed 50 or something. My friends says 10 plants from the doctor who gave him his recommendation or w/e but the states website clearly says 3 in veg and 3 in flower and unless you actually go to the process of asking for more medecine and proving you need extra meds I doubt it would hold up in court if you were ever investigated for cultivation, or your caregiver for that matter. Don't mean to bust your bubble but according to the states website, those are the rules.


Well-Known Member
I say you are fortunate, most are having problems controlling odors. I think your ph is a lil low for dirt but if it's working I wouldn't mess with it

Just following the directions ( PH, humidity etc) that the Green House Seed Company video said to do,,,

And they know what they are doing..

I learned alot just by watching those videos...and one of the reason I chose SSH ( besides odor )was the happens to match my local well waters PH...pretty darn close.

I must learn patience...



Well-Known Member
I don't know how it works...I have talked to friends who say they are allowed to have 25 plants I talked to a guy online who said he was allowed 50 or something. My friends says 10 plants from the doctor who gave him his recommendation or w/e but the states website clearly says 3 in veg and 3 in flower and unless you actually go to the process of asking for more medecine and proving you need extra meds I doubt it would hold up in court if you were ever investigated for cultivation, or your caregiver for that matter. Don't mean to bust your bubble but according to the states website, those are the rules.

My card says 24 plants....not my card.
It has already been approved.( By the state MM review board )
6 plants is the norm but your doctor can recommend up to 4X the limit..and it worked.
.And my caregiver grows for 6 other people and never gets anywhere close to the maximum number of plants...

So no I'm not worried in the's all above board.


Well-Known Member
you have to consider what nutes are available at a given ph range. If you are flowering you need to raise your ph to 6 to 6.5 or the flowering nutes are locked out. 5.5 and 5.8 sound great for a hydro set up but even in a hydro set up during flowering ya have to raise the ph to make the nutes available to the plant. check into it & good luck


Well-Known Member
you have to consider what nutes are available at a given ph range. If you are flowering you need to raise your ph to 6 to 6.5 or the flowering nutes are locked out. 5.5 and 5.8 sound great for a hydro set up but even in a hydro set up during flowering ya have to raise the ph to make the nutes available to the plant. check into it & good luck

I'll check into that...thanks..