My story


Active Member
Royal Canadian Toker

My name is Josh I'm a Canadian Forces Veteran I served 4 years in the Royal Canadian Regiment where I was honorably discharged for smoking Marijuana. How you may ask? We'll that is something you are about to find out.

Where do I begin to tell this story? That is a good question. We'll first of all I will start by saying I served 4 years in the forces, 3 1/2 of which were spent @ CFB Petawawa as an Infantry soldier. Between September 2007 - September 2011.

I joined the army in early 2007, after a series of bullshit relationships and mind altering drug experiences I decided that I had 3 options,

Option 1. Go back to school, let's face it.. I was 20 years old, young, dumb and full of testosterone.. That to me was a BIG waste of time. Knowing myself well enough that I wouldn't be serious, surrounded by vagina and drugs.. I decided to put aside all desire to attend school.

Option 2. Stay in and around the Montreal area. Trust me when I say, I love Montreal. It is an Awesome city! Ton's of nightlife, events and things to see.. But unless you got projects on the go, it is also one of the few places in Canada were bums, telemarketers and crack heads roam free.

Option 3. Join the army. The first time this entered into my head was while smoking a joint at Christmas time 2006, my cousin Mat and I were baked as fuck and we decided that It would be a good ideal to join the army. We would complete basic training get our self's into an Infantry battalion and hopefully find ourselves "overseas" in Afghanistan.

I don't know about you, or your friends, or your idea of a good time. But I will begin by saying. Ya... NO. The next time you or anyone you know for that matter finds themselves sitting down in a bus booth smoking a joint, talking about world domination through strategical movements based upon certain current life choices they make.. Ya don't do it. Take it from me.

Sorry I get distracted..
My cousin being the rotten french bastard that he is. (no offence mat I still love you) decided that it would be best to stay in Quebec and go to the Royal 22e Régiment @ CFB Valcartier. I on the other hand decided to
go to Petawawa.

- February 2007 I apply

- June 2007 I am told that because I had Open Heart Surgery at 3 month old I must go see a heart specialist

-July 2007 Heart specialist gives the okay

-July 2007 Next day after doc gives okay I quit smoking dope.

-The last week of August I get the (Come sign the dotted line phone call)

September 6th 2007 The Day I signed my life away.

I make my way to the Montreal recruitment office to swear in, this process is a funny one, something about swearing an oath to the Queen for as long as I serve..

To be completely honest I don't remember the whole shpeal but something along the lines of;

I swear that the queen is better then me, she owns me, she owns CANADA, and I am swearing that I will be the Bitch of all of those self righteous Sergeants, Warrant Officers and Officers for as long as I remain in the Forces or until I become one, I swear that I will submit my self to sub-par living conditions on the grounds that those who are in charge really do have the Best Invested Interest Of The CROWN which reigns supreme over my head, for as long as I live or remain in the forces.

I am a veteran, so if you are reading this and are saying to yourself.. "gee that was harsh" or something sensitive of that nature. let me tell you something. Go fuck yourself. No that was a joke.. But seriously. Go Join the army, Particularly Go JOIN THE INFANTRY.. :) except 1 thing..

Canada's infantry is full. Full of shit. Also Full as in they have reached there limit of exploitation. They now officially have enough HARD SERVING MEN AND WOMAN to use, move, break, promote, manipulate and get killed as they please to the point where if you were to go apply today, they would have to turn you away from that occupation...

So please do not patronize me about the queen, I met the Prince Charles when he visited Petawawa I shook his hand I wasn't that impressed. The Queen's a whore and so is her family.

A side note..

As a side note. This is to anyone who is consider signing that dotted line. I am not saying that it is a bad Idea.. No because some of the Craziest shit Ive ever done and lived in my life was in the Military. Some of which you may one day get to read. maybe...

I Got qualified on and got to use Automatic Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Heavy Machine Guns, Claymores, Carl Gustav's 84mm Rocket Launcher, 72mm Rocket's, Grenades, Mortars, Shotguns, Pistols,

I am a Qualified Lav 3 Driver, Lav 3 25mm Gunner, I am Communications Qualified, I know that god damn vehicle like the back of my fucking hand and I could have certainly crew Commanded the SHIT out of one overseas if given the chance..

I also have an assortment of other Qualifications. 10 ton, ambulance driver, troop lift, dangerous goods, "MLVW" (Military logistics Vehicle Wheeled), "LSVW" which was the light version of the "ML" the modified Sterling Truck, etc, etc, etc...

All of this is less then 4 years as a Private. I have yet to know anyone in the infantry who had more qualification then me as a private.. I also had more sex with more women in the name of being a soldier then any other name I have ever used before.. trust me on this 1 many women fantasize about men in uniforms-_-

More to come.

This is just the beginning of a series of Short stories from me, about my adventures and projects.. I hope you enjoyed it thus far, feel free to comment, inquire, ad input and join the community. If this gets positive feedback I will obviously be encouraged to continue. I hope that takes place.

-Josh :eyesmoke: check out my blog if you want to keep up to date with posts and other content.