My soil has mold!


Hey everyone. I am currently on my first grow, I have one big bud and one miscellaneous plant going. The've been on 12 12 for 3 1/2 weeks, everythings been going great but all of a sudden theres mold on my soil. The top of my soil is sort of white ish, and the white plant food things in the soil have yellow mold on them. I suspect it from the feritlizer, because it just started a few days, and i just started usign this fert about a week ago.

The mold is only on the top of the soil

The plants look healthy, theres no mold on them. What are my options? Has anyone ever heard of this happening?


I would use hydrogen peroxide in your next watering. Use 3% hydrogen peroxide, like the kind you find at the pharmacy. I would use 3 ounces per gal. It might fizz a little bit at first when you water, so don't panic. Hydrogen peroxide is also a root oxidizer and will quickly dissolve into oxygen and water, giving them a little boost.

The only disadvantage is that H2O2 will kill all the beneficial microbes along with the mold. But I hear people using it all the time.

Hope that helps. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I've had this problem and shaving off the top layer of soil and replacing was my cure.

I also agree. Plus, you should also quit using that fert, if it's the time-released pellet type. That stuff is impossible to control, because you can never be sure how much to add, or how much fert it is releasing when you water. Bad stuff, not recommended. :)


Active Member
Stir it back into the soil if this can be done without damaging the roots. Mold is a very natural part of the composting process, and exists where you don't see it in all soil with healthy microbe colonies. If it's growing comfortably on TOP of the soil, then your soil is likely too moist.

The yellow stuff on the food sticks sounds yucky tho.


Well-Known Member
Shit, we forgot to mention the most important thing.....add a fan, or another fan, if you already have one. You need some airflow around those pots. If there's enough air circulation, you won't have to worry about mold. Moisture and temps contribute too, but I'm hungry and want to go eat, so i'm too lazy to type anymore right now.LOL Somebody else is going to have to take over. :wink:


alright thanks for the advice guys. I'll replace the top layer today, and see if i can get another fan in there.


Well-Known Member
alright thanks for the advice guys. I'll replace the top layer today, and see if i can get another fan in there.
Slow down on your watering habits.

Water only when the plant needs it, not on any artificial schedule.

As was said, "Too much moisture=mold".
