My Simple Tea Way


Active Member
Ive made tea this way several times, all with success, and the recipe allows for change.

you need:

weed, good stuff, no scraps! i use 3.5 grams, but start small
1 tablespoon butter (i use unsalted,i dont know if it matters)
1 cup whole milk
1 cup water
brown sugar
tea (im using 2 bags of Yogi brand "classic india spice")

first step i take my cured, cleaned, and ground weed and toss it on a sheet of foil, spread it around and toss it in the oven for 5 minutes at 325, then:

toss your weed, butter, and milk into a pot, slowly raise the temp while stirring (i use a wisk) until it reaches the point where it starts bubblin if you stop stirring, but doesnt as long as you stir, now the fun- i go 20 minutes here, wisking vigorously pretty much non-stop at this temp. then:

run it thru a strainer/cheesecloth

now thats just gonna sit there drippin, now i put a cup of water back in the pot and add 2 tbsp brown sugar and get it up to a boil, then turn it off and throw in the tea bags for about 4-5 minutes. then:

run your un-weed tea back thru the cheesecloth, thus adding it to your butter/weed/milk mix, add a bit of honey to taste, and becomes my tea. then:

i drink the tea, it takes no time at all to start feeling the warmth of the tea, which is wonderful living where i do (its fuckin chilly). and the effects start coming pretty fast, 20-30 minutes, and lasts 3-4+ hours.

i think 2 grams would be a good starting point for the average folk, probably just a gram for lightweights, and 3+ for daily users.



Well-Known Member
3.5 grams? of bud? jesus that seems like a ton of waste.

If you were to make cannabutter first, then use that in place of the butter/weed in there you could cut that 3.5 Grams down to about .33-.5 grams per cup/Dose. (Effectively making 8-10 doses)

On top of the savings i almost guarantee that the effects will be much more potent and last at least 1.5 times the duration (6-7 hours)

just tryn to help bro