My seedlings won't grow


Well-Known Member
i never fed my plant till she was 9weeks old, got a link to it in my sig check it out and see how fine shes doing so dont listen to this fool telling ya ya need to feed seedlings nutes


Well-Known Member
i never fed my plant till she was 9weeks old, got a link to it in my sig check it out and see how fine shes doing so dont listen to this fool telling ya ya need to feed seedlings nutes

You should also quit trying to spam your GETO ASS GROW


Active Member
boys boys... calm down
I was reading your thread and wanted to throw in my $0.02. I am a newbie grower with the same problem, rockwool/seedlings not growing etc. My problem turned out to be that my rockwool was oversaturated with weak nute water and, without an airstone in my res, there wasn't sufficient gas exchange at the roots and they were stunted. I mean, not ALL of them. one bitch is 2 feet tall already. what I decided to do was take a spray bottle and fill it with nutes from my res and spray the little girls. they seemed to like it. since their roots are not yet developed and since I felt like they needed feeding, I did this. it seemed to help a little with all of my plants. the more water logged the rockwool, the more stunted so eliminate that and try a little light foliar spray periodically thru lights on.


Well-Known Member
When you insult me and call me a fool?? Your growing outta fuckin plastic cups and your giving advice?? You can't even seem to get a seed to pop... So next time you wanna come on here talkin shit, you should know who your talking shit to first!!!


Well-Known Member
When you insult me and call me a fool?? Your growing outta fuckin plastic cups and your giving advice?? You can't even seem to get a seed to pop... So next time you wanna come on here talkin shit, you should know who your talking shit to first!!!
the indoor grow i have little control over seeing as its in a mates house i think he may be fuckin with the lights and the seed has popped just aint comin through the soil just yet. my other grow is my first attempt so it may be ghetto but its gettin results so far so say what ya want :)


Well-Known Member
the indoor grow i have little control over seeing as its in a mates house i think he may be fuckin with the lights and the seed has popped just aint comin through the soil just yet. my other grow is my first attempt so it may be ghetto but its gettin results so far so say what ya want :)

Listen I'm not the type to come out and just insult somebody, but I will get very defensive if provoked... Lets just drop this and agree to disagree


Well-Known Member
Squashed.......... We're all here to grow and learn, and I will admit I can get a little passionate at times.. You think for a pothead i'd be a little calmer lol No harm no foul...


Well-Known Member
Squashed.......... We're all here to grow and learn, and I will admit I can get a little passionate at times.. You think for a pothead i'd be a little calmer lol No harm no foul...
You would be calmer if you didn't smoke so much damn weed max!lol!

Nah i know what your saying, seedlings need nutes as soon as the root forms or root hairs, in soil it has them at its finger tips but rockwool and straight coco as well as hydroton etc etc are inert. I only grow in soil so what do i really know but this is an intresting topic and one which there is a lot of misinformation about.

Too much nutes in my seedling soil and it burns to death at a very early age, basically the roots are absorbing as soon as they form or the seedling would be ok for much longer. Peace


Well, I can't post pictures #1 No camera #2 it can be traced and I can be arrested!!
Okay so well, she's definitely dead- thanks everyone for helping best possible, but got more auto's and this time won't use rockwool, going to use the original aerogarden sponges for my prostyle aerogarden!!

I just really hope the same problem does not occur, if it does then I'm really, legitimately hooped

edit: gotta wait for sponges to get to me! and also I will have "Superthrive" handy to revive the ladies and give them root boost incase it does happen again!!!


Well-Known Member
Dont give me that get arested cr@p on here!lol! plus everyone has a camera!

By merely posting on here you have flexed your civil liberties, pictures of weed plants make little difference, only evidence the pigs need is your grow op. Kinda think your just small fry compared to some of the posters on here probably living in the same area as you as well.

Dont grow weed if you cant handle the time! Peace


i'm definitely a small fry man, but I really don't have a camera, I mean my phone has one but no way to get it on here.
Okay in a week or two when it's set up again I'll make a journal post or so


Its the soil. The same EXACT thing happend to me. for a week and a half it literally stayed about 3 cm tall with just the very first set of leaves. i was using MG. I transplant it into FFOF and it doubled in size and grew its second leaves in a matter of a day and a half