My seedlings seems to die and not growing!!!


New Member

This is my first time growing, i got 4 seeds 2 white widow and 2 Chocolope Kush.

I planted them for around 10 days ago, they began to fall down and the stem seemed to become weak.

I googled and what i could find out was that it could be something called damping off.

I tried to add some cinnamon because according to some articles it should kill the bacteria that causes damping off.

Same time my plants doesnt seem to be growing, it have been 10 days as mentioned and i still find them to small.

Iam growing on my balcony that is glassed and use natural daylight.

Would appreciate any help what i can do for the plants, its annoying if the plants die and i have paid lots of money on the seeds :(

I have attached a few images.




Active Member
OK, Cinnamon?? I got to admit never heard that one before. IDK what the problem is exactly because im not sure what the Cinn. is doing to the chemical make up of the medium. What was ur reason for using it again? Exactly what does the Cinn do in this damping off process?


Well-Known Member
I would recommend starting in rapid rooters, getting more light, no need to start in cups, don't add cinnamon.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
seedlings usually die from too much water or soaked soil. also, the tall stretch is because of being too far from the light. what's with the cinnamon? GL


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of pictures online of damping off -- the stem turns black down by the top of the grow medium, gets as thin as thread and the plant dies. It thrives in a damp environment, so you want to keep the top of the grow medium dry (water from the bottom up). In my experience it only kills my new seedlings, within the first 2 weeks, certainly. I've never had it happen with plants older than that. Never heard of the cinnamon trick. Hopefully that won't hurt the plants.

Once a plant has damping off, there's no recovery. So if the black, thread-like stem is what you have, just get rid of the plant now.

If they're not growing and seem weak, get them more light and a little air circulation. I'm not sure how the glassed balcony might be affecting the light -- is there a film of some kind on the glass? A fan blowing gently in the direction of the seedlings will help strengthen the stems.

Good luck!
Hey there, like above poster said of the biggest problem new growers have is overwatering seedlings....when i start seeds i get some peatmoss/perlite mix , wet it, then press all the water out of it so its just moist then put the germinated seed just under the surface and dont add anymore water till its up and growin and even then i only add drops....roots thrive in a MOIST soil not wet.....and if your seedling is gettin to tall just add more soil till just the first set of leaves are poppin out and that will fix the floppy stem problem and if you did over water only add dry soil and it will help take some of the extra water out like a wick.....hope that helps...goodluck


Well-Known Member
First off, you need to plant them deeper that stem can still be a root. Plant them so they are only sticking out an inch anda half. If your over watering then stop. But bury them deeper and you will be fine your over reacting and that causes ppl to try to fix problems that are not there which in end screws you over. And put a fan on low on them once you bury them deeper. Those suckers will thicken right up ina week. And dont worry if they arnt growing at the speed you prefer. If they are still growing and have healthy green leaves you have nothing to worry about. Be patient
Dude hes a new grower, i remember back 20 years when that was me and just about every first time grower sits a waits for it to grow because it fun and new...i got shit down to a science but im sure i still ask even better pros stupid questions to them but thats how we get better....and i already answered his question in perfect detail....


New Member
Thanks for all the inputs, i believe as most inputs says it is overwatering that is the main problem, it was my first grow and made my first mistake that i have learned from, i will start growing in a grow tent using HPS
as i have noticed most are doing maybe i will get it right then :)


Well-Known Member

This is my first time growing, i got 4 seeds 2 white widow and 2 Chocolope Kush.

I planted them for around 10 days ago, they began to fall down and the stem seemed to become weak.

I googled and what i could find out was that it could be something called damping off.

I tried to add some cinnamon because according to some articles it should kill the bacteria that causes damping off.

Same time my plants doesnt seem to be growing, it have been 10 days as mentioned and i still find them to small.

Iam growing on my balcony that is glassed and use natural daylight.

Would appreciate any help what i can do for the plants, its annoying if the plants die and i have paid lots of money on the seeds :(

I have attached a few images.

Well, that's gonna leave a mark. I really don't know where to begin...Ok.Ya get what you put into it, a $10 seed should have $10 potting mix in a $10 container being fed $10 nutes under brilliant light.Fluorescent is fine I've even used the 1 ft tiny ghetto unit's.You need to hammer the seedling's with light to keep them short, give them a basic nutrient and let Nature do the rest.Never heard of Damping.Hope they make it.

Julius Caesar

Active Member
Yeah it is sad to see such fine genetics being treated like a red-headed stepchild.

Put your money into equipment before buying high-priced seeds. Hopefully you can still save those.