My Second OutDoor Grow

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Tomorrow im taking new pics and harvesting the ones you guys havent seen yet in the woods which started flower ahead of the other and they will be ready tomorrw i assume.. Pics coming tomorrow, WISH ME LUCK =]

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hello Guys And Gals and all you stoner folks.. 4 weeks left aproximately and.. they are looking SExier and sexier.. here they are..

Afghan to the left Bc Bud to the right..

This is the Other Afghan

Bc Bud Lower bud up close

Afghan in the first pic different angle.

Comments Apreciated :bigjoint:

Dr High

Well-Known Member
u should of put emin the ground u woodof got way more but they look good or super cropped em
I did that last year and got the shittiest yeild so i told myself HEY This year.. Dont fuck it up.. i put em in pots. last year my roots spread out like crazy and couldnt feed it evenly.. so yeah. i basicly took my mistake and made it so i wouldnt fuck up. way better then last years.. so no point of telling me oh you shouldve done this and shit.. its my grow and im the one taking care of it. there is always next year to improve. and REad as it is my Second outdoor ever.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hey Folks! im back with a little unexpected update from last night...
Also i'd like to add... ORBS!! in one of the pics.. lmfao... it creeped me out while i was taking the pictures..anyways ENJOY!! Haunted plants :eyesmoke:

Bc Bud stackin up Real good

Lower Bud from one of the Afghan

Afghan on Left Bc Bud on the right

Afghan top Close upbongsmilie

Close up of the Bc Bud

The one Unknown Strain for now that started blooming full on like 3-4 weeks in maybe. Looking Sexy.

The last but not Least HAUNTED PLANT with Many OBS!!!! LOL! this is the Afghan beside the unkown Strain just a individual pic cuz its sexy.:eyesmoke:
Enjoy. Tell me what you think of those ORBS Dust? all the pics were taken within.. 2-3 minutes. COMMENT!


Well-Known Member
wow i must say your plants are absolutley beautiful. i especially like the night pics. your gonna have some awesome sticky dank from those, thats for sure. cant wait till my plants get flowering like that.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hey folks i got new Pics from Sunday asfternoon. So heres a little quick update. :bigjoint:

Bc Bud PAcking on Nicely. Nice and Pink So Pretty =]

Another close up

Afghan Lookin nice and Fatter every weekend.

Micro pic of one Afghan lower nug. Looks good.

Close up of the Double Headed Nuggie.:bigjoint:

Bc Bud on left Afghan on the right. PACKING ON!

i had to stake up the Afghan it was falling over. hehe

And For sure this one is going inside before the end of Oct to finish off her time..


Well-Known Member
+rep those are some lovely girls you have there, What are you expecting to yield from them? And how many plants do you have growing 2 or 3?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
there are 4 plants and i think to yeild anywhere from 3-5 ounces tops From each plant... i think for the afghans we got another 3 weeks to go.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hey dudes! just 1-2 weeks away.. its almost here....... little update on how they are evloving.

How much time do you guys think this has?? i'd say it still has about 4-5 weeks to go.. we'll just see. :blsmoke: