My second grow, but best looking


Well-Known Member
It would seem that I have made better advaces this time with my grow. My first grow I use a standard 300W incondescent bulb and had a 6-7 foot tall plant that never flowered, or displayed balls. I have no idea if it was male or female as it only produced one pair of five finger fans, and all the other leaves only had three fingers. I got tired of watching it grow and do nothing, so I killed it.

My second grow I am using 4 27w Daylight (5500k - 6500k) CFL's and 2 23W soft white CFL's. My plants are looking very nice, and I am very pleased. I have three right now... One is just blasting straight up, the second is looking great, but not too fast of growth, and the third, well, I am kind of worried about the third. It has been super stressed, only has like 3 leaves and is at least one month older. Should I just get rid of it or maybe plant it outside in a week or two to see what happens, either way, I think I have a desent grow set up... I still need to finish a box, I am using Mylar sun shades for reflection right now. Please let me know.



Well-Known Member
they look good mate, good job u changed mate, incandesents are useless. good luck in ur grow.


Well-Known Member
oh, and as for the older plant, try planting it outside if you can, some good mite come of it.


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good dude...You've learned from your first grow and have made progress. You'll do even better next time :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well it is now six days later... here is what I have done. The Orange pot's plant I gave an attempt to clone, miserible failure, oh well, you live and learn. (not sure what happened, got up and the tip was flat against the soil, no structure.) Green Pot's Plant was put on a 12/12 after a 24 hour resting period, seems to have done wonders for growth. mini-Peat Pot's plant was up rooted, lightly dusted the roots off, washed the roots, and transplanted into a bigger pot. Still no upward growth, but seems to be bushing out quite nice. I am attaching the new pics, tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
Also, the one in the green pot, it was out of some stuff i smoked back in the winter, could it be Sativa, Sativa/indica, or Indica? I am not too sure anymore how to tell the difference.


Well-Known Member
No advice on that one huh? Well I didn't know if anyone would know or not. I think that it is mostly Indica. But I am kinda surprised that there was no comments as to my progress.