My Problem With Christianity


Well-Known Member
Freedom doesn't exist in this world. It's all a fallacy. Peace cannot be forced, the cycle must be allowed to perpetuate. Freedom is a perspective.
You are correct; Freedom is perceptive. I was trying to explain to him, that the hand that he bites is also the hand that enables him.


Well-Known Member
All this freedom talk is b/s! Yea, theres some places on earth where its better to keep your mouth shut, but not even close to the majority of countrys. I have visited everywhere from France to Israel, and the U.S. doesn't stand out when it comes to this issue. We just happened to be the first to really form a true democracy, but that was hundreds of yrs ago.

Religion is a result of man's fear of death.....nothing more!

If you think this is a true democracy....I feel sorry for you :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"Why is it that a lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks? Do you think when God comes back he's gonna ever want to see another fuckin cross man? It's like walking up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendent on, just thinking of John."

Bill Hicks, another dead hero!
Hahaha "The Prince of Peace is Back...But He's Pissed Off!". I was just watching my Revelations DVD. Here's a link on YouTube of that part for anyone who wants to take a gander:
YouTube - Bill Hicks - Religion

But back to the topic, I was raised in a family of non practicing Christians, and I've come to understand that most "Christians" are simply monotheists. These days it's so pick and choose I doubt there's anyone alive that should be able to call themselves a "Christian". The Bible is a torn word, in the Old Testament (especially that funny little work, Leviticus) it's crazy beyond belief. You can sell your sister into slavery, burn a bull (it's apparently pleasing to the Lord's nostrils), murder a man with his hair cut above his ears, etc. etc.
And in the New Testament, it's "turn the other cheek".

I think it's about time people stopped giving a flying fuck about sects, denominations, and especially about NON "CHRISTIAN" PEOPLE, and take a good hard look at the Word.


Active Member
Are there any sincere Christians on this thread? Everything man attempts to do, no matter how sincere, is marred by human nature. Denomination and creed etc. are human systems designed to direct hearts and minds to Christ. I don't deny the sincerity of most of thees groups. I do, however, argue the abillity of man to know "absolute" truth. Even in Christianity, which is the only way by which man can be saved.... We as humans will always be searching for a purer understanding of faith.

I could go into detail that would sicken manny on this forum... But, I hope that, in an attempt to establish an "open" mind, we don't close our minds to Christian teachings completely or out of convenience.


Well-Known Member
My religious beliefs changed alot when I started experimenting with drugs as well. hmm..


Active Member
I really enjoyed reading that, bro.

I love reading literature on religion or Christianity when the writer is educated on the topic.

You're title was just offending enough to make a Christian think, "WTF does this heathen think about my religion!??!" :P

"It's just that I fear people who believe in something without questioning constantly, and I get frustrated when I hear people use a book made to bring people together, in a way that separates us and justifies the institutions of dogma and exclusion. "
-Best part IMO

I pretend to have blind faith in the company of my friends and especially my hardcore Christian mother, but I doubt the crap out of it all the time... secretly. I have concluded that I do believe in Christianity and I'm allowed to doubt it, because humans aren't perfect and all that jazz. Bible says it, must be true.
I have observed that most people with a very logical and down-to-earth personality aren't Christians. I think that people with personalities like that can't see past the fact that it cannot be explained. While other people (Exactly like my mother) are completely fine with being oblivious. I tested this theory once. I asked my mom if she knew how a basic tungsten filament light bulb works. She said "No!" I said "How about an internal combustion engine, or a toilet tank?" She replied, "No and no" Then, I asked, "Would you like me to tell you how?" she replied with, "No, I'm busy, Lifetime is on." My mom is not ignorant at all, she just doesn't care. I'm the opposite way, I can't do or use something without wondering exactly how it works. The more of that trait is in you, the less you faith you will have or none at all...


The Gardener
If you dont get your self involved its not a problem . And grandma on her way to mass really does not want to debate her beliefs , Or be socializing with us budsmokers about faith

Leave the hippys alone and they wont bother you


New Member
My parents are very Christian people. Good People, and i love them very much. I spent the first 16 years of my life steadily going to church, serving as an alter boy and in the choir, and aside from a private, Catholic education, my parents had bible study every Thursday, and two "retreats" a year. I spent my life with this Jesus guy following me around everywhere.

Now, when I hit my teenage years, I went through a faze where I didn't believe in God, and I hated religion. Over the years I found that my 'not believing in God' was more about the crazy double speak and hypocrisies that I perceived in the Church, and my disdain for religion was really just part of my own spiritual breaking away from the herd I had been born into.

One of the things that really confounds me about Christians is that they have this sort of self-destruct clause written into their law. See, much discussion is based on bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth, where we shall all live in peace. But then, in that final chapter, Revelations, it speaks of a charming man who will come and bring peace to the Earth, and that person who unites the great nations will turn out to be the anti-Christ.
So, they are working towards peace on Earth, but the sign to us all that the devil has arrived is that he will bring peace to Earth???

Please. I know that the Christian faith has brought a lot of joy and comfort to millions, and based on what it says in the Gospels, well, I'd vote for Jesus--he was a great guy. He spoke of loving your enemies, overcoming obstacles by faith and resolve, and reminded us that we can always be forgiven if we forgive.

I wish we could pretend, just for sake of argument, that there never was a Jesus of Nazareth, no water into wine, just a collection of current myths about a god figure circulating at that time, pulled together in story form to speak to the Jewish and Greek community. They slapped together the myths of the Syrians, the Mithras cult, the Osiris Cult, and several other eastern and Gnostic ideals and attributed to a carpenter named Jesus.

See, some people cannot even entertain that thought, that there never was a Jesus. But to those people I say that if there wasn't a Jesus, does that make his words any less meaningful? If the whole thing was a fake, does that mean I shouldn't still love my neighbor?

Of course not. It's just that some people get so hung up on their specific landline to God that they forget that no man can know the mind of God. Maybe God made us all differently because he knew how to talk to each one of us in our own way, and maybe that's the way he wants it.

I don't know that answer; no one does. One of my favorite quotes from the gospels is John 3:12 where this guy Nicodemus is asking Jesus about the rewards in the next life, and Jesus says,: [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Swiss, Geneva, Sans Serif]"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?"[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Swiss, Geneva, Sans Serif]It's like so many Christians are focused on when they get to die and meet Jesus in person at that Country Club in the Sky, rather than finding the pieces of Heaven that are here on Earth. They don't seem to want to make peace with others, unless that peace is a form of assimilation from others. Believe in this guy, don't worry what he said, because he's watching you and he doesn't like doubters. So you'd better not pout, you'd better not cry, you'd better watch out, cause they're telling you why...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Swiss, Geneva, Sans Serif]Christians spout Love and Compassion, and I have to say that my Mom is both a Christian and a damn good woman, so I know it isn't everybody. However, the fundamentalists who cling to the Word rather than the Meaning are just diluted at best and evil at worst. For example, they say being gay isn't allowed because it's written in the Bible, but the Bible also condones slavery, domestic abuse and child murder. If you want scripture and verse to back me up, ask, I'll quote. My point is that you can't say one thing is Law because "it's in the Book" and then not take ALL of it as Law. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Swiss, Geneva, Sans Serif]I don't want to offend any Christians, but if I do, well, too bad. I just have spent a good deal of my life looking closely at these words I was told to live by. I believe some of those words, but I, like many people nowadays, see the Bible as a book crafted and edited by a lot of people with a lot of political agendas, and it cannot be taken literally, at all. I think believing in Jesus, like the smiling eyes above me, footsteps in the sand Jesus, is great if it works for you. And honestly, when someone prays to Jesus, I believe that something out in the Universe does hear that prayer and responds. It's just that I fear people who believe in something without questioning constantly, and I get frustrated when I hear people use a book made to bring people together, in a way that separates us and justifies the institutions of dogma and exclusion. [/FONT]


From what I read, I was revealed these simple words:



New Member
My religious beliefs changed alot when I started experimenting with drugs as well. hmm..

Well, one thing for sure, you have to be responsible and accountible accordingly.

There is this saying "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you repond to it"

Just cause everyone's lying means that you should. "Let God be the Truth and every man be a lie".

"The Truth shall set you free"

"The meek shall inherit the earth"

"Not the weak, but the meek" ::: Knowledge is power.

Jesus Christ is right.


New Member
Are there any sincere Christians on this thread? Everything man attempts to do, no matter how sincere, is marred by human nature. Denomination and creed etc. are human systems designed to direct hearts and minds to Christ. I don't deny the sincerity of most of thees groups. I do, however, argue the abillity of man to know "absolute" truth. Even in Christianity, which is the only way by which man can be saved.... We as humans will always be searching for a purer understanding of faith.

I could go into detail that would sicken manny on this forum... But, I hope that, in an attempt to establish an "open" mind, we don't close our minds to Christian teachings completely or out of convenience.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
...they forget that no man can know the mind of God. Maybe God made us all differently because he knew how to talk to each one of us in our own way, and maybe that's the way he wants it.

I don't know that answer; no one does. One of my favorite quotes from the gospels is John 3:12 where this guy Nicodemus is asking Jesus about the rewards in the next life, and Jesus says,: [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Swiss, Geneva, Sans Serif]"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?"

It's like so many Christians are focused on when they get to die and meet Jesus in person at that Country Club in the Sky, rather than finding the pieces of Heaven that are here on Earth. They don't seem to want to make peace with others, unless that peace is a form of assimilation from others.
I've had a lot of the same problems, even to a point of actually turning from God as a show of how exasperated I was with the hypocrisy of the Christian Religion.
I think you've kept a good grip of the core values though, through your own intelligence and determination.
I don't have my Bible with me, but back when I was struggling to reconcile my sexuality and my religion, I found a great verse that mentioned that a good follower should never be afraid to study the word and come away with their own understanding.
Some great (not bible) books that talk a lot about the darker facets of Christianity, and how to reconcile yourself to your religion despite those things are:
The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis, is a great read done in a narration style through letters back and forth between two demons whom tempt humans into straying off the path.
One of the most mentioned methods is to encourage a 'double-life' in the 'client'. So that, while they are pious and loving their neighbor in church, they refuse to allow 'riff-raff' into their lunch party. Based, of course, on the 'un-Christian' lifestyle the lead raising a child as a single parent.

Actually, I'll recommend any of C.S. Lewis's works, he made a great number of very insightful books on similar subjects. (You can skip Narnia if you'd like, lol.)

I Love God, It's Christians I Can't Stand, I don't know the author, but they highlight a lot of bad habits the the Christian Community has developed, why they're wrong, and how it could be fixed or improved. A good book for scanning and chuckling at the honesty within.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed reading that, bro.

I love reading literature on religion or Christianity when the writer is educated on the topic.

You're title was just offending enough to make a Christian think, "WTF does this heathen think about my religion!??!" :P

"It's just that I fear people who believe in something without questioning constantly, and I get frustrated when I hear people use a book made to bring people together, in a way that separates us and justifies the institutions of dogma and exclusion. "
-Best part IMO

I pretend to have blind faith in the company of my friends and especially my hardcore Christian mother, but I doubt the crap out of it all the time... secretly. I have concluded that I do believe in Christianity and I'm allowed to doubt it, because humans aren't perfect and all that jazz. Bible says it, must be true.
I have observed that most people with a very logical and down-to-earth personality aren't Christians. I think that people with personalities like that can't see past the fact that it cannot be explained. While other people (Exactly like my mother) are completely fine with being oblivious. I tested this theory once. I asked my mom if she knew how a basic tungsten filament light bulb works. She said "No!" I said "How about an internal combustion engine, or a toilet tank?" She replied, "No and no" Then, I asked, "Would you like me to tell you how?" she replied with, "No, I'm busy, Lifetime is on." My mom is not ignorant at all, she just doesn't care. I'm the opposite way, I can't do or use something without wondering exactly how it works. The more of that trait is in you, the less you faith you will have or none at all...
What your mom does including watching lifetime are all part of what makes her and in turn what raised you? taught you? What if she reversed the question and asked would you like to watch lifetime with me? Sounds like she's a "faithfull veiwer".


Active Member
I myself am a Christian, and I agree that Christians can often times be the most judgemental people around. The other day I was playing some hoops with my neighbor and my cousin pulls up and has the nerve to ask why the heck are you associating yourself with him. My response to him was "why are your being so judgemental of someone you don't even know", and to make him feel bad I even said "Would Jesus make that kind of comment". So yeah I can agree that a lot of Christians or people of any faith for that matter can be real hypocrites. I do however believe in God and practice my faith daily, but I don't let it change who I am and what I do because that would make me fake. I have been smoking weed now for about 16 years and nobody has ever known except for a very few select friends(including my wife who is a PK) who I trust. Due to that the people at church have never had a reason to judge me, but I don't doubt for a second that if some of them knew I smoked up they would probably act differently around me and who knows they may even go as far as trying to get me in trouble or tell me I need to get help. The way I look at it is what they don't know can't hurt them or me. I practice my faith and live my life the same as them so what make them any different just because I smoke weed.
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Well-Known Member
I've said this before on here, and I'll say it again.

People say religion is the responsible factors in most of our wars, and I will say that is true. However with so much religion out there, it is obvious that it isn't one particular religion responsible for war.

Pigmy tribes with their traditions, aboriginal tribes with traditions and what would be considered by a dictionary definition as "religion". Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Pagans of old, etc..

All of those people have comitted some abominable crime against another human in mass group participation based on religion or traditions..

So I say it's not religion that is the problem necessarily, it is humans.

Now I do admit that there are some fundamental problems with orthodox religion and dogma. Such as blind faith, and an irresponsible call-to-duty.
But it doesn't take ane particular religion for humans to want to be lead by other humans.

I made this video: Cannabis and Religion part 1
