My plants went to healthy to dying in 1 week! Help!


Well-Known Member
If the roots are beige than you most likely have root rot? What schedule are you feeding? For example do u leave ur food pumps on all day? A couple times a day? Also there is no light touching your roots right? Thats important too man as light will cause damage to ur plant and damage roots mean damaged plants. A great product for 'damping off" is no damp. consult ur hydro store about how to use this product properly, and if the dont have it ask them for something for damping off. Also it seems that for everyone its different with the watering schedule. I use a dripper system in rockwoll cubes like that mine are just in baskets in long pbc pipes. I water my plants right now (in the first week of veg) 6 times in the 18 hour schedule, I do this six times for 2 minutes each time, This keeps my roots moist and happy. When the roots get longer I will up those feedings to 3 minutes to keep them moist. remember if ur plants roots dry out Its game over, And same if u let them get 2 wet,

Good Luck man, hate to see those beauties looking so ill....


Well-Known Member
If the roots are beige than you most likely have root rot? What schedule are you feeding? For example do u leave ur food pumps on all day? A couple times a day? Also there is no light touching your roots right? Thats important too man as light will cause damage to ur plant and damage roots mean damaged plants. A great product for 'damping off" is no damp. consult ur hydro store about how to use this product properly, and if the dont have it ask them for something for damping off. Also it seems that for everyone its different with the watering schedule. I use a dripper system in rockwoll cubes like that mine are just in baskets in long pbc pipes. I water my plants right now (in the first week of veg) 6 times in the 18 hour schedule, I do this six times for 2 minutes each time, This keeps my roots moist and happy. When the roots get longer I will up those feedings to 3 minutes to keep them moist. remember if ur plants roots dry out Its game over, And same if u let them get 2 wet,

Good Luck man, hate to see those beauties looking so ill....
Read the thread before posting


Active Member
Here are 2 pix from just now.

Thanx for all the advice I've received from everyone. I'm sure I'll be asking a lot more questions as I go along.

Yesterday I went out and bought a couple pots and some perlite. I took both the plants into the kitchen and cleaned all the algie off all 6 sides of the cubes and the roots with the sprayer on the sink. Then I scrubbed down the table and res. I put together 1/2 strength nutes in the res.

I put together 2 spray bottles. one with just water and the other with water from the res. I am spraying the plants to help them come back. Every third time I spray I use the bottle with the nute water.

Bubba kush is already starting to look better, but Jack the Ripper still looks bad.

Oh yeah, can someone tell me how to take pix that don't look so bad. It is soooo bright in the bloom room that all my pix look washed out.


Full Aroma

Active Member
watch out for "nut" build up in the cube, Flush and all that... wait that may have been said,

i like 80 plus on the temp +85 growth may slow 95 or more deadly (old tips), some say keep it in the 80's to 90's... i like 80's... makes me feel secure.

can we get any close pics of the root mass and top soil? (eeer rock block top)


Active Member

It looks nearly dead. It is still kinda green and not brittle yet. So I am going to nurse it untill it is either def dead or comes back. I hope it makes it. That is the only Jack the Ripper I have. The guy I got that clone from doesn't have anymore of that strain. Actually he don't have any more plants at all. All of his plants died while he was in the crazy house. Unfortunantly I don't know anyone else who grows. So I have to make due with what I have.


Active Member
watch out for "nut" build up in the cube, Flush and all that... wait that may have been said,

i like 80 plus on the temp +85 growth may slow 95 or more deadly (old tips), some say keep it in the 80's to 90's... i like 80's... makes me feel secure.

can we get any close pics of the root mass and top soil? (eeer rock block top)
The temp in the room is around 78-80 durring the day and close to 72 at night. I got all the black off of the cubes and the roots. It basically just rinsed off. The medium I am using right now is perlite. None of the roots are exposed now.


Well-Known Member
try a bucket with hydroton clay rock at the hydo store.. DAMN i really feel bad 4 you'll learn alot from this bad experince dont let it stop you. just get some more seeds and go hard the next grow cuz those are dead im afraid. call me if yo salen that set up tho


Active Member
try a bucket with hydroton clay rock at the hydo store.. DAMN i really feel bad 4 you'll learn alot from this bad experince dont let it stop you. just get some more seeds and go hard the next grow cuz those are dead im afraid. call me if yo salen that set up tho

Yeah, I'm pissed. I have spent a lot of time and money on these girls. I have gotten rather attached to them and was so close to harvest. I'm in week 5 now.

The only reason I used perlite is because the store was sold out of clay pellets and this was the next best thing they had. I didn't want to waist time shopping. I wanted to get home with the new medium and clean up the girls and get them planted asap.

I currently have 2 Bubba Kush in the veg room that look great. I am going to keep one as the mother and send the other into the bloom room in about a week. As the new girls grow up. I will put them in Clay Pellets.

I will keep posting pix of my 2 sick plants as they progress or digress. I think that Bubba might make it, but I think Jack is done for.


Active Member
I have no intentions of not growing anymore. This was my very first time growing and I have learned a whole lot.

I will start a journal here with my 2 girls that are in the veg room soon and will use everyones help to get this down.

Joining this forum was the best thing I have done. You guys have been a lot of help. Before I posted with my problem. I have been reading up all over this forum. Every question I had, I found the answer to here. This forum is an excellent resource. I have learned more here than I did from my short lived mentor!


Well-Known Member
Lol dude no one expected you to quit. A lot more people botch their first grow than you would think.

And damn straight nurse those plants. Its not over till its over

Full Aroma

Active Member
Lol dude no one expected you to quit. A lot more people botch their first grow than you would think.

And damn straight nurse those plants. Its not over till its over

it's true... i have a baby now that managed to get the first leaves up but has no tap root... as long as it's green i'll keep mothering it :bigjoint:


Active Member
it's true... i have a baby now that managed to get the first leaves up but has no tap root... as long as it's green i'll keep mothering it :bigjoint:
Oh yeah, I'm not giving up on them. After all this time, Hell No. Them bitches need to live! :shock: