My plants look a bit strange, don't look healthy. Please help me fix this :(

Here are some current pictures of my grow. I have to say that this is my first time and I am a VERY INEXPERIENCED grower. All my information is from the internet. So handling specific problems is still an issue.

It's an outdoor grow. Regular soil that I found at a local gardening shop.

To me they seem a bit... Weak. There are some white spots on the edges of some leaves and they look a bit droopy. I hope I took good enough pictures to show what I mean.

I use BioBizz "Bio Grow" and "Bio Bloom" products on my grow. I've been adding them a bit late (about a month after I started growing). Some of my plants are younger than others.

I believe they have plenty of sunlight and there is good spacing between them. Also there's a fan that blows with a timer during noon when it's a bit hot.

I had (and still have) a bit of an insect problem which I'm trying to clear with Neem oil. So please take that I'm using it into account.

I used seeds that I got from some weed I bought (someone had a bad grow I guess). The weed itself was still good though so I decided to grow it while keeping the pesky males away.

I normally water my plants around 3:00 am if that means anything (I'm a night dweller heh)

Please help, am I being paranoid or do I really have a problem here?
Thank you!
Mmm, I would say about 5-6 hours of direct. There aren't many trees hiding light so there's also a lot of indirect light on later hours.
My plants are inside an enclosure I built (to keep prying eyes away).

Could this be from over fertilizing? I've been increasing the dose lately because I was told I was putting too little.
I was told by a friend that if the leaves are rising upwards like mine it could mean incorrect fertilizing. What is your opinion on this?