My Plants Are Growing Slow, Need Help PLEASE


Active Member
hello everyone, i need some advice on what i need to do to make my plants successfully budd for me. so far it has been about 60 days maybe longer since my plant sprouted. it is now 3 ft tall, and its forming really pretty looking buds (not ready to smoke, but has healthy looking crystals all over with long stringy COTTON feeling hairs). the problem is, i water them ever so often (2 times a week). the last time i saw it, the plant looked pretty dry (the leaves were turning yellow) i almost gave up hope on it and just thought i should let it die. but the 2nd time (last time) i saw them i plucked off all the dry dead leaves hoping new ones will form later and watered them with a good amount of water. but the plant itself has no leaves now along the tall thick stem but there STILL is some healthy dark green leaves around the more matured budds but even some of those leaves are turning yellow. but the budds had begun sprouting out of sections of the stem and a good amount at the TOP of the plant and theres healthy small looking green leaves around them (the buds only). my problem is, my plant doenst look like other plants with tons of healthy leaves, its just a tall stem with new forming budds that arent ready to pick yet. any ideas? should i continue to work on this plant or not?


Well-Known Member
No. You are 60 days in, you're flowering, and your plant just recieved a cluster fuck of stress that it honestly wouldn't have been able to recover from if it were in vegetative stage (our most forgiving stage, at points...) You're going to want to harvest this plant k? k.


Active Member
ok thanks, now all im wondering if how much longer it will be until its ready. is there anyway to speedin the pace of the budding? because the buds are still small, is that because of the lack of water given to it per week? and if i were to give it more water constantley will that speedin the pace of bud growth?
hey,i have a plant growin in hydroton in water, its been in there forlike 2 weeks almost and it still kinda looks healthy but its not at all really, the light is like 2 inches away from the plant.. and yeah im lost and confused so if someone can give mesome advice that would be pretty friggin sweet :) its my first hydro grown plant.


Well-Known Member
OP, your leaves weren't turning yellow because it needed water. Its called nitrogen deficiency. Use the search function, read the faqs here and learn, learn, learn, and then learn some more.


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, i need some advice on what i need to do to make my plants successfully budd for me. so far it has been about 60 days maybe longer since my plant sprouted. it is now 3 ft tall, and its forming really pretty looking buds (not ready to smoke, but has healthy looking crystals all over with long stringy COTTON feeling hairs). the problem is, i water them ever so often (2 times a week). the last time i saw it, the plant looked pretty dry (the leaves were turning yellow) i almost gave up hope on it and just thought i should let it die. but the 2nd time (last time) i saw them i plucked off all the dry dead leaves hoping new ones will form later and watered them with a good amount of water. but the plant itself has no leaves now along the tall thick stem but there STILL is some healthy dark green leaves around the more matured budds but even some of those leaves are turning yellow. but the budds had begun sprouting out of sections of the stem and a good amount at the TOP of the plant and theres healthy small looking green leaves around them (the buds only). my problem is, my plant doenst look like other plants with tons of healthy leaves, its just a tall stem with new forming budds that arent ready to pick yet. any ideas? should i continue to work on this plant or not?
Hello. The yellowing of leaves during flowering stage is NORMAL!!!! It's ok. More of the nutes are going in to making the flowers, and not so much in to maintaing the leaves adn their color. That's fine. As long as your buds look good (and it sounds like they do), then you're good to go. Now all you need to do is watch the trichome development closely. When you see them start to turn from clear to slightly milky (not all of them, just some here and there), it's time to harvest. Read some of the FAQ's on this subject. It'll help your growing culture.

Hope this helped you. If so, +rep would be most appreciated.



Well-Known Member
OP, your leaves weren't turning yellow because it needed water. Its called nitrogen deficiency. Use the search function, read the faqs here and learn, learn, learn, and then learn some more.
Listen to Dave! He knows what he's talking about. In fact, that's all I've been doing. Using the search function, reading, and learning, learning, learning....and then some. Thank pot I found this site!!! heheh.

+rep for you Dave!



i have 3 weed plant in small cupboard is that ok? there 2 weeks into flowering and yhay have white hairs all over them when will i start seeing buds?


at this time you should trim all bottom leaves keeping the top leaves healthy and give more dark hours to mature faster