My planting tip for 16oz cups.


Active Member
hey thanx.....I Had Asked If You Had Any more Pictures But I see You Posted pictures of Some Nice Mothers, Also About The Cuttings i took From my 2 Ladies That Had Been Flowering 14 days, well They Seem To Be coming alone. But I Was Wondering Have You Ever Took Cuttings From a Ladie Thats Midway Into Flowering, Say 30 days, Thanx For Your Time,


Well-Known Member
hey thanx.....I Had Asked If You Had Any more Pictures But I see You Posted pictures of Some Nice Mothers, Also About The Cuttings i took From my 2 Ladies That Had Been Flowering 14 days, well They Seem To Be coming alone. But I Was Wondering Have You Ever Took Cuttings From a Ladie Thats Midway Into Flowering, Say 30 days, Thanx For Your Time,
Ok that I can read.

The latest I've taken cuttngs was at day15ish in flower. If you take cuttings in flower you should leave your clone light on 24/0 at low power. I use (4) 20 watt 24" T-12 flows.

this is a pic of my set up for clones

30 days may be long, I'd try.

This may help if you have never cloned and if you have then it's nice and quick look at post #8.

As for pictures I post a ton. (less spelling with pictures)

Sorry for the slow answers


Well-Known Member
had one at day 26 reflector fell and chopped one of a 3 cola plant limbs recut andput in the bubbler left at 12/12 gotvery little root growth but it went on to be smoked. the little guy is the clone lol and the other is the plant it came off. the clone didn't recover and grow as well. it finished about 3 weeks after the mom.

2009 contest 006.jpg

cfl grow 033.jpg

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
had one at day 26 reflector fell and chopped one of a 3 cola plant limbs recut andput in the bubbler left at 12/12 gotvery little root growth but it went on to be smoked. the little guy is the clone lol and the other is the plant it came off. the clone didn't recover and grow as well. it finished about 3 weeks after the mom.

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View attachment 356573
Wud luv to get a link to yer grow! Those are some healthy stalks!


Active Member
hmm, i don't get it. i know you make drainage holes but what can you do to catch the water? What can i put under the cup?


Well-Known Member
someone left me a message...saying that i was wrong but wouldn't say who they are, or how i am wrong.... thanx...


Well-Known Member
Yell it happen on subjects like this or 12/12 from seed My last neg rep was over this thread.
but they said i was wrong about you not watering until you have drainage.. and that the holes at the bottom now helps the roots get air, since their isn't drainage... ha.... i wish their was a RollitUp Convention so i can meet half of these mofo's in person


Well-Known Member
Anit that the damm truth!!! but yeah, that's what i was assuming also that the holes are for air as you dont drown them in water to even get drainage....especially using the method u said u use, "NEEDhelp".....the spraying method instead of pouring!!! I love that idea since i will be starting Autos in 16oz cups, those strains tap roots like to dive deep so this will def help me out a bunch ++rep to u for that !!!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
but they said i was wrong about you not watering until you have drainage.. and that the holes at the bottom now helps the roots get air, since their isn't drainage... ha.... i wish their was a RollitUp Convention so i can meet half of these mofo's in person
Are ya kiddin? If there was a convention, 90% of the mofos on her cud not get in cause they are UNDER 18!


Well-Known Member
I went and got a pump sprayer to use on my bigger pots. Takes two hours to water 7 plants. Run off starts about an hour after I'm finished watering. water every 5=7 days. It seems to be doing a great job.