My plant has some kind of deficiency.


New Member
I am using Dyna-Gro Grow (7-9-5) plant nutrients with tap water. IMAG1784.jpgIMAG1785.jpgIMAG1786.jpg
Any feedback would be appreciated. How can I save these before they get worse? Should I flush them?


New Member
Well i'm thinking that the calcium and magnesium the Gyna-Gro nutrients have in them are getting locked out due to an incorrect ph balance in the soil. If I correct the ph of the water im using will the plant start absorbing all the nutrients? Because this stuff has both calcium (2%) and magnesium(0.5%) so I don't know how it would have those deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
Yes - balance the pH of your tap water and you shouldn't have nute lock issues going forward.


New Member
Would walmart have what I need to balance the ph to 6.5-7 for around say 20 dollars? I'm asking because this needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Any garden center or aquarium store will have pH test kits and pH up & down. Manual pH testers are pretty cheap, but the digital pens can be expensive. Buy whatever your budget allows, but the cheap options shouldn't total more that $20-30.

I don't live in the States, so I don't know if Walmart specifically will have it. Walmart has everything though, no?


New Member
Wal-Mart had test strips and big bottles of POWDERED ph up and down for pools and spa's. I will check out lowes next. I did not buy the powdered kind because the measurements on it was for a minimum of 200 gallons lol.


Well-Known Member
forget about ph, here's something else.

soil looks really wet, how often do you water? Are you reusing soil or this is a new one? How much do you feed them? If soil is fresh I doubt that you would already have ca mg def. If ferting too much like too much of P, can cause a lock out of cal. If possible better use dynagro foliage pro, 3-1-2 is what you need throughout the grow with some camg supplement at a second week of flowering.


New Member
using Miracle Gro organic choice. I water with 1/4 nutrients every watering. and I water them every 2-3 days.


New Member
Is there at least a day or so where your soil is decently dry? If your soil never dries your roots won't grow so well. Also it's very easy to get nutrient burn/lock from Miracle grow. It has time released nutes. Generally it's just not a good soil.

Might consider Of or fox farms-hapy frog? and some perlite?

It's just my thought, but a few grows ago i had a plant that came down with Nitrogen defeciancy from Miracle grow and never recovered. Mayhaps we see early yellowing of n def?