my out door girls durban, neo kush (mystrain), grape ape

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
real shit man i hear that, ill have to give ya a ring next time i go visit my uncles horse farm out there. ;) Colorado is nice


Well-Known Member
hey i just ran into someone that runs a few clubs and he just came from colorado,for profit out there thats crazy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26 2011 a "root planting day" Moon in Virgo: This is a Earth sign. It is a good time to sow Root plants like Horseradish, Jerusalem Artichokes, but it would not be a good time to sow Flower plants like Wormwood, Fruits Harvested now will store for longer.
So since these crosses I made must be tested and deseeded I have chosen to harvest on a day that will allow my fruits to last longest bidynamics is amazing for your physke as well;)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
we will be having a talk next year come outdoor season, i want to make sure i plant at the right time i've been having early flower issues or i put them out too late and they dont get as big as they should. I only got it right with one plant this year and it was eaten alive by bud worms. Speaking of which wierdest thing happened today, i smashed one i found on the ground and out of it came like 15 or more bud worms but all insanely tiny, like larvae. shit was crazy, i always thought they could only come from moths but apparently both the worm and moth stage can lay eggs or larvae in your shit. lol.

Oct 26 2011 a "root planting day" Moon in Virgo: This is a Earth sign. It is a good time to sow Root plants like Horseradish, Jerusalem Artichokes, but it would not be a good time to sow Flower plants like Wormwood, Fruits Harvested now will store for longer.
So since these crosses I made must be tested and deseeded I have chosen to harvest on a day that will allow my fruits to last longest bidynamics is amazing for your physke as well;)


Well-Known Member
Word budworms suck I will teach you a few teas and sprays to make your plants inedable to them;) we will figure out the right time for each strain depending on your expectations for them ... Light dep, huge late, small early, big early, sativa...

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
cool man, im thinkin about some haze hybrids or some haze for outdoor next season. Ordering up some mr nice shit, master kaze, and ASH for christmas, so i should have some fun with those in the meantime.

MMMM teas to make em immune to bud worms i like the sound of that lil fuckers lol.

I get about 8 hours of solid light so i dont think its the light makin em go early, FYI thats direct sun, gets more than that of actual light but direct is about 8-9 hours. Most of my plants are indica or indica hybrids with a couple sativa leaning hybrids like blue dream and jilly bean once i can get it back from wiz. I'd like to get some good 5-6 footers, i probably will have to train them down though because there is a hole in the neighbors hedge that parallels a fairly major street and you can see through the hole all the way into my garden there... time too plant some shielding plants or get some trellis work up or somthing. The one that got big on me i planted from seed straight into the ground. The ones that flowered on me all came from inside on 18 hours of light. Next season will probably be a combo of the two some from inside and some from seed outside. So theres probably going to be two different planting times unless i miss my guess.

Thanks joe appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
A little light reading on organics for those that care ; update tomarrow!!

The process of using naturally present microorganisms to clean up oil spills is called bioremediation. Unfortunately the process won’t work out at sea and can only be used when the oil reaches shore — which is what the coast guard and clean-up workers are currently trying to prevent. The microorganisms, even without fertilizers, will begin to chow down on the oil when it enters their natural habitat. So, with the addition of sulfate or nitrate fertilizers the microorganism multiply beyond their natural state and eat up the toxic metals invading their home at up to five times the rate that they would without assistance.

There is a side effect to this process, however — Isn’t there always? It is possible that after the microorganisms devour the massive oil spill they could introduce the heavy metals present in the spill into the food chain. Larger organisms eat them and on up the ladder until it reaches humans. So though bioremediation may be lessening the initial impact of oil spills on the surrounding waters it could be introducing that very oil spill into our diets.
While urea is, indeed, an organic compound, it will not support the*
bacterial growth that is essential for the formation of humus. When urea is*
metabolized, the products are ammonia and carbon dioxide. Thus, urea*
yields carbon in a form that will not support the oxidative metabolism of*
solid bacteria. To accomplish that, carbon must be in the reduced state,*
combined with hydrogen, as it is in the nearly all more complex organic*
compounds. Although urea is an organic compound, by failing to support*
the growth of soil bacteria, and therefore the formation of humus, it does*
not qualify as an "organic fertilizer."

The intensive use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer (or urea) may so overload*
a humus-depleted soil with nitrate as to cause it to leach into surface*

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
hell yea that was trippy lol, hey joe any opinions on a 150w CMH in my desk micro grow, i got 2 120 mm fans cooling the side i would try it on, you think it would get too hot, im torn its about 100-150 bucks to take the plunge, if it works im cookin with fire lol if not im frying my plants rofl.


Well-Known Member
A thought I got from that read, can these bacteria eat neem oil in your soil and keep your crop from tasting like it if you had to do a late term flush with Neem, or a neem byproduct? But I'm very happy to know that urea is not a real organic fertilizer and has those side effects. Hopefully we can use information like this to stop geurrilla growers from fermenting their piss into plant soluble N.


Moderatrix of Journals
colorado is soooooo preeeettttyyyyy...... hey joe -- still have a spot open for hubby #3 (after mr kitty and cg....) ... xoxo


Well-Known Member
Thanks kitty I've never been Internet proposed before I feel like you actually read my thread! Can you tell that I had more than I let on??
Kron I am trimming my ass off I have more than I thought ! Trim team working nonstop for three days still only halfway!
Lookin like about one ounce per gallon of soil witch is low for Cali but great for rado! I will be in socal next Monday so watch out fresh meds headed your way kidz!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Nice joeookin forward to that what causes lower yield out there altitude and Uv index?? Jus curious damn sounds like it was a good pull man lol he out the Indiana jones bull whip and get hose trim peons to work lol the micro grows really comn along I posted up an hd vid earlier I'll get another in the mornin tomorrow check it out if u get a break


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you will be here monday, shoot me a message and confirm so I can get what you need. I just moved an hour and a half away from my grow.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
riu team og slayer meet lol Lookin forward to meetin up while ur out this way and chillin burnin some with ya joe shoot me a pm and I'll give ya my number maybe me u and the canni tranni will grab a beer and burn a few if he ever comes out of his hidey hole lol