My odor control technique


Active Member
Did this thread get edited and one or more posts were deleted? I thought there was a lot more profanity used when I first read this post yesterday. I do not have a problem with deleting posts when necessary due to certain forum rules and common sense. It makes it more readable and acceptable to everyone.

It seems like 2 different methods. One is to mask the smell (sprays, etc.) and the other is to clean or remove the smell (carbon filters, etc.). Maybe everyone is correct one way or the other on this topic.

By the way, when does a plant first start to put out an odor or smell and how long does it last (until harvest?)?


Well-Known Member
It was edited and that's insane it's a forum about growing weed, LOL!!!! I just posted this too get my point across. I use a better forum now and guess what I can curse if needed. I never did before on here before the moderators let the little punks use sarcism and bs get out of control. I am on too better pastures and cursing is ALLOWED!!! They ban threads with curse words thats so funny, maybe they are worried about children, surely all kids would click on the option and tell the truth about their ages, LOL!


Well-Known Member
they sell those little mini water fountains for the desk at work. the little fake waterfalls. just put pine-sol in it. hhhmmmm good idea.


Well-Known Member
its all good if it needs 2 b done ive an air purrifer with a carbon filter in it its ment 4 smoke just but is workin well wouldent mind makin 1 of them order buckets its a smart idea any 1 no what the name of ona is over the uk been searchin 4 it


Well-Known Member
My bad, dude...I was more than fucked up last night. We need a little icon we can click that flags posts as ignorable when we are blasted. Guess that's a hazard of blogging with druggies!
I agree! sometimes i am way to baked to be on this site and because of that can say things wrong. This is a great idea.
