My New Speaker Box Setup


Hello stoney community. I just finished converting my 4' speaker cab into a pretty nice setup for my ladies.
The lights consist of two 20w florescent lights, one cool white the other daylight for balanced spectrums. The speaker cab is 4' high with an area at the base of about 2x1
Im hoping on getting a descent yield out of this, I'm just looking for a good technique to get down in this space. Im thinking of the LST technique or the "clip and split" method where you clip the top, let it seperate, let another grow, etc etc... Anyway, I have about 6 seedlings in there right now in small squares. I'm most likely gonna keep the most healthy (not nessicarily the tallest because those are most likely to be male) 2 or 3 plants in there to grow and leave the rest outside. And hopefully i get a female and start cloning off of that.
The walls are covered in vescaline, its pretty reflective and should hold in moisture well. I would prefer mylar though, i just dont know where to find the shit. My friend said AC tape should work well, cause that is very reflective too, similar to mylar.

Anyway, here are pictures of my setup, and hopefully the new site of my children of the... bud....

The outside. That top speaker is going to be my "maintinance tunnel" most of the time, so i put some cotton on the inside of the speaker in order to avoid any damage to my light.

This is a top-down view with everything cleaned out, except for the intake fan. You can get a good view of what the vescaline looks like, I like the double layers at the bottom foot of the wall, shows more reflection. Something to look at in future rennovations.

The intake fans, I took the side handle out to make room for a fan, the only thing i had were dual fans from the back of an old red-ringed Xbox 360 and they work well, keeping temperature at 80 degrees F at all times.

Can you see me? I see you. ;)

My working space with the speaker placed inside.

My cabinet at home, in all of her majesty.
Do you notice the smaller box next to the speaker? Well i want to get a continuous cycle of plants going, where i can harvest every 3-4 weeks, I have 2 of them and i wanna make something useful out of them. Please give me ideas on how to make the best use out of those speakers. But i am on a budget so make it realistic for an at-home stealth grow.

The handle you see is the same size as my air intake hole btw, just to point that out.

This last picture is my final setup of what i have at home.

As you see, i already have a sprout going in the first square, waiting for the others to pop up and do the same xD

Funny thing about that sprout, i planted it outside and after 3 days i totally forgot about it lol. As i come out on day 5 i figure i'd check on it again and whaddya know? I have life :]

Anywho, this is my setup. I would love to hear comments on my setup and what i shall do to make it better.

And one more question, when they start flowering, it is gonna put out one hell of a smell. I want to find out a good way to block off that smell as best as i can, i have 4 open holes atm One top, which is the outtake, One middle (intake) and two holes at the bottom i am thinking of plugging up until i can find a fan for them.
But im thinking of putting a dryer sheet over the outtake and maybe that can help me? Im not sure i am completely stumped, as i believe the intake will linger out the smell also, and i am afraid of covering that with a dryer sheet cause all the chemicals in it is gonna blow into my box and that is not cool.

So any cheap fixes to that would be great, if there are no cheap fixes then find me something atleast well priced.



That is fuckin SIC! Nice work...+rep. cant wait to see the grow!
Thanks friend, my best friend made it for me. He is a very handy man when it comes to these things.
Ive already promised him a plant for himself during this harvest for his help, and well, he gave me the lights hehe


Well-Known Member
That literally is 300 times nicer than the sunshed system speaker system. You should add a real working speaker/radio in it to complete the effect. Very nice shit bro!

Also I can not tell from the pics, but I hope you can raise/lower those lights otherwise your plants will stretch like crazy which isn't an all too good thing. I'd also just take that speaker out (the bottom one and replace it with a fake speaker minus the magnetic component/and metal frame.

Also if you coated the inside with mylar then that would be an even better system.


Well-Known Member
Nice little cab set up. If you are looking to do something to do with the smaller one you can keep it to veg some moms in so you can use the big one for flowering clones. This way you can do SOG and have a bunch of loli-pop clones flowering quick. I figures it's the best method for your space being so high and not to wide.


Well-Known Member
Upgrade your internal linear fluorescents to T5. Better light output.

Remove the plastic and just paint the inside flat white.

Otherwise looks just fine. wish you had some false speaker faces so you could keep the speakers out entirely and have maximum growing space. (find an old busted cone, cut off the outer cage and magnet, screw back into place.)


Well-Known Member
First off i would like to say this is some slick shit. im actually thinkin of building one and this has given me some good ideas. i would get some of the cfl spiral bulbs and rock those instead of the tubes though. it is pretty easy to build a reflector, just cut a square or rectangular piece of wood and drill some sockets into it. You can get y splitters to put two bulbs in one lights. This will give you enough light to flower (around 50w per square foot, i rock more with cfls). Make sure your lights very close to your plants cause they will stright up become stretch armstrong. Around 2 to 3 inches, or closer if it won't burn em (might want to somehow cut off that speaker so you can lower and raise the light). If you can't find mylar just paint the inside flat white which would also make it hella reflective. If you could mount a little fan blowin on your plants like the little clip on ones it would also help promote strong stems and keep your plants shorter.


Wow, thats alot more replies than in the growroom setup thread, im staying here! Hehe
Anyway, I am very thankful with all of these suggestions, they certainly helped me out ALOT!

First off, I do have a chain system in order to move the lights up and down.
But it is a BITCH to lower/raise the light (good thing i only have to do it every week or so) because I dont have much room I link the chain shorter.
If i had a thinner chain it would be much much easier cause then i would just run it through a pulley.

Hey neph, I havent heard much of the SOG, dont really know what it is but im gonna research it tomorro after i get some well needed sleep. But i heard the ScrOG method is good because it keeps the tops of the plant dead even and increases yield.
But im just looking for the easiest way to do it with the best results.

I wish i could find a dummy or broken speaker.. espically a 15" at that!
Is there anywhere i could find a speaker cone for sale? Yeah it sounds stupid but logical at the same time xP

Anyway, im still looking for a way to mask the scent.. or hopefully it wont stink my whole house up... just my room haha


Well-Known Member
Look up diy carbon filters, there are a bunch of different ways to make them, i found one to make out of net pots that was really simple. ill try to find it for you


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters work, or alternatively you can make a multi-layer party tube from fabric softener sheets and exhaust thru that.

Or grow other fragrant herbs in your room. I had basil in my closet until I put it outside. Brush against it and the whole room smelled like an italian kitchen.


hey man looks quite sick. I really do enjoy seeing stuff like this. One thing i would try if i were you is to mount some t5 floros on the sides running vertical. This would promote more side growth, and with this type of box would make some great bud. I saw a guy do that with a trashcan grow and go 5 oz from 1 plant. pretty good if you ask me. The reason it works is cause the plants are able to get light to all the branches from the side lights while also getting light from the top light. This allows for maximum light penetration.