My new roor!


Well-Known Member
lol i cant see it, iv had 2 RooRs so far, broke em both, i need to get another one


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2015737]lol i cant see it, iv had 2 RooRs so far, broke em both, i need to get another one[/quote]

look again, the pic links were bad

I've had 2 roors, 1 lux, 1 phx, this is my 3rd actual roor


Well-Known Member
now I see it, Very nice, i havnt seen a roor with a tree perc, looks clean, jus wish the Roor label was bigger, but i like, and damn, Lux's are nice as fuc,


New Member
wtf is a splash gaurd?
ill give you two guesses. the first one doesnt count.

whats splash? To propel or scatter (a fluid) about in flying masses.

whats gaurd? To protect from

in this circumstance, it is a glass shield that keeps the ripping bong water from getting in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
wow. thanks for breaking it down like that for me! would have never known! why would u need something like that to keep water from splashing in ur mouth? never had that problem.


New Member
RooRs are the best period :D
easily debatable

usa roors and usa lux are of a much lesser craftmenship than their german counterparts, and thats just within themselves...

custom artists tend to put out the most "legit" glass on the market. Check out Glass'll see some real bongs and pipes there.


Active Member
Can someone please explain to me why everyone gets wet over roor? It's just a company! Okay, so they flip the R at the end, I guess that's cool. But seriously, can someone please explain why people praise them?


Well-Known Member
high build quality. but there is a significant portion in the label.

I'm looking at this bong as an alternative to buying a roor. I'm pretty poor :(