My new harvest smells like ass


Active Member
I just cut down one plant from my first harvest. After drying and curing the weed for almost two weeks i noticed that it smells like christmas tree and not like weed at all. It does get me high with a smoth smoke, but the smell of the grass itself is not very good. Can anyone tell me where i went wrong?


Well-Known Member
i dunno, i couldnt tell you cuz i never got a chance to cure, my plant got stolen right before harvest last year

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
WTF?? I threw away 3 plants that were about to go 12/12 since my room mate went crazy and started talking about what an "Expert" I was on "Drugs".
Scared the shit out of me. Now she is gone and I have the place entirely to myself. I now have 4 absolutely gorgeous plants that are producing pistils wall to wall. They fill up the house with the most scrumptious aroma. It is Fantastic. I would not dare call it a STINK. Are you sure we are talking about the same plant? I don't want to deal with outsiders who would misunderstand just what I have going on here. It is a wonderful thing- but the last thing I would call it is a bad smell. I have owned a house for 5 years and believe me I would know a bad smell If I sensed it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Once you seal it up in jars or bag it, it'll start to take on that familiar pungent aroma. Had some myself that smelled like fresh cut grass (the yard variety) while I had it sealed in a vacuum container. After bagging it and letting it sit for a day, you could smell it across the county.