my new box, cfl lighting almost done any tips?


Well-Known Member
The HPS is really a much better option, but it's still good to have some CFLs for under / side lighting, so you will still get some use out of them.


Active Member
When I can afford to invest, I will be putting a 400w or 600w hps
But on the plus side, my seeds are geminating. First sign of life today, for 3 bag seeds and 5 White widows
I'm Going to start growing them all then take a couple out after a week or two.
I'm only keeping 3 plants, it will be so hard to get rid of the others...
There going in the humidomes tomorrow.


Active Member
Hey guys, got my babies under 18/6 light in the humidomes.
Posting pics as soon as i see signs of life, dont want to post pics of my medium lol
But my question today is, Is a 250w Hps bulb enought for the growspace I have?
4'wide 2 1/2' deep and 5 1/2' tall but after fan and shit only have around 4 or 4 1/2' height left inside
I was looing at one, its reasonably priced. Just wondering if 250w is enought for 2 or 3 plants during flowering.
Im going to stick with cfls for veg, but switching to hps for flowering. I want just enought light, without the huge amount of power consumption


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's probably enough, you could add in some CFLs with it, but IMO even a 250w HPS is probably better than 400w of CFL.


Active Member
Hey guys, its been a while. Works been busy as shit. But i got some time and some new pics.
Some sign of life in my box and its a couple pretty girls.
Not too sure whats wrong with pic 3, my one bag seed looks unhealthy the other 3 are growing nicely.
Its been a pain to get the humidity up, got jars of water with sponges got it to 40% then it drops down to 30% damn just never goes up
Hope you guys lie the pics.

DSC00369.jpg DSC00371.jpg DSC00372.jpg DSC00373.jpg DSC00374.jpg


Active Member
Yeah, didnt think i should worry to much, just a little weak at start but she'll pick it up.
I watered them the first time thursday just after a week under the lights, seems like they liked it alot.
Thanks Smithmark914


Active Member
Hey guys, one of my girls in pic4 started getting a yellow spot in the leave.
The girls needed watering, could this of caused it?