My name is Red.

Well, my name is Red obv, my partner in crime is Kay.I'm from scotland, and iv smoked marijuanna for 3 years now. The reason I started was due to the pain reliefe propertys, as I suffer from a painfull genetic condition.Now marijuanna is illegal here and that's just a crying shame, so me and my buddy have decided to take things into our own hands. I have done dozens of hours into researching the matter. And through my days of searching ,I have yet found any well known. Scottish outdoor growers.So, where doese this leave us. Well since I gain certain funds from the government, when I would rather receive usefull medication. Our plan over the coming year is to become succesfull growers, and through our trial and I'm sure multiple error we hope we can become usefull sources of information to other aspiring scottish growers.Including, planting times, strains, and other usefull tips and tricks to growing up north in our climate.Our first journal will begin in January-Febuary, we will begin our collection of supplys, and begin seed stocking.From febuary onwards we will begin our scouting to find those perfect spots.In march our goal is to begin germinating and vegging, keeping tempratures within a few degrees of the out doors too weed out the weeker plants, while this is happening we will begin the preparation of our grow sights. Early April-we place our plants into flowering temporarily to sex them, while in flowering we will clone our plants. We force our clones into vegitation to aquire the wide bushy affect that is shown using this technique of cloning, This will allow our plants the chance to make the most of our scottish sun (or lack of it). We harvest our best males pollen, for use on our mother plant to gain seeds for next year.Late April-October, we keep a detailed journnal of our grow, it will be presented in a way I find organised with little side notes images ect.October-January. We harvest cure and record results,potency and other factors. We will sumarise our most likely messy grow journal to create concise notes for fellow growers Scottish or otherwise. We then repeate this procces untill I am cought or die.Our grow journal when started will be far more in depth,from hiking and growing equipment to why locations were chosen and much more.Through out the year we will run a small cfl scrog to further our growing/breeding knowledge.We look forward to becoming a part of the community here and getting to know everyone.We are determined, commited and above all, Higher than the authorites. - Red 'n' Kay.