my most succesful attepmt to grow.


Well-Known Member
flushed my plant and sprayed it with neem oil.. prolly spray it again next week so it can last i dont want to have to spray buds inthe future


Well-Known Member
damnn a storm ccame and a branch fell on my plant and broke two branches i was able to save one sadly the other didnt make it.
my plant is budding now and i just pollenated a little branch by the bottem with some pollen from some possible orange cush or some type not certain. but it should be danker than the strain i have now so i cant wait to see what the plants from the seeds wil look like next summer.
ill post some pictures in a bit


Well-Known Member
finnally got some new pics to show my progress to bad they are poor quality pics right now i havent been able to get ahold of the diggital cam with macro but i will get it soon to show the quality because it looks real nice.



Well-Known Member
the plants are comin along great they smell and look dank.. the seed was out of some average shwag/regular.. it looks no where near shwag now.
i have a collection of bag seeds out of good bags of weed i wish i could grow em all and see what i get.