My Marijuana Bud is Thin and Wispy

alright lets start off....

i had 2 female plants...

did everything the same for both the plants

the one plant i harvested had nice firm dense buds i harvested this plant 6 weeks ago from today.

now my 2nd plant looks almost done( dont know why it took this long to mature?) anyways, this 2nd plants buds look like some crappy wispy buds their pretty big buds but their not really firm and if u squeeze it alittle its not the same as when you get that killer bud....ya no?

is it just the genetics of the bagseed i had?

will the smoke still be good and get me high?

has anyone ever grew a plant like the one im describing?

also is their other way i can prevent this in my other grows?

thank you:joint:


Well-Known Member
well, if you gave it exactly the same conditions... could only be genetics can't it?


different seeds have a different mix of genetics from the mother and father. Like if you had a brother he would have similar characteristics (similar shaped nose and ears) but not exactly the same other characteristics (his hands and feet might be larger). The same is with our favorite plant. I have planted 17 different seeds of the same strain at one point and came out with some very different plants that took up to 3 weeks longer to finish on some, some had thin wispy flowers and others dense thick flowers, some were short and squat and others were a foot taller. Its all in the mix.

heres the trick... pick a favorite plant and reveg it after you harvest it, and then grow it out into a mom and take clones from her. That, or cut clones from your plants before you flower them and grow the clones out while you flower your plants you cut from. When the main plants are done growing and you have discovered which one you like the best, you will have vegetatively growing plants, and you can decide which one to keep and use for future grows.

if you have the space you can keep a few moms from plants you discover through growing you like the best and you will have that line of plant for as long as you keep the moms. you don't have to keep monster sized mom plants they can be smaller so you can have multiples.

Another hint... when you grow tired of a specific plant you can always flower out that mom and replace her with another plant you like... the mom will (should be bushy by now) bush out some KILLEr weight buds.

my flower out moms have been some of my heaviest yielders.