my lower life is dieing


hey guys ive been growing these kids for about a month now, and since a couple weeks ago the bottom life dies, as in every new life that grows, the lowest stems just wilter away slowly and look worse every day until they fall off.

im growing in a mix of all different types of soil with the ph being around 6.5-7

i have soft and warm white light on them

i need to find out how to fix this, or else im just going to permanently have like 4 real stems with leaves on all my plants


Chef Haz3

youve had those in for a month ?? time to transplant soon maybe ? someone else will have a better experienced answer but thats my 2 cents... im having the same issue and am trying to narrow down this problem.. ive also heard getting water on the leaves themselves can cause burning from the lights..

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Try to list the basics, including: Light source, how many bulbs and spectrum, Temps (when the light is both on and off), Soil mixture and finally the type and amount of fertilizers (if any) added. Typically lower leaves drop due to low-light/light penetration issues but could easily be from being rootbound, poor drainage, a macro-nutrient deficiency. Need a lot more data to make any kind of assessment about what is making these plants look so necrotic.


overwatering an the first pic looks like a male to me is that pollin sack at the top
its already killed i actually killed 5 males and 1 fem was left haha it sucked

my temp with lights on is 78 in the room and humidity is 40-50% at all times
if getting water on the leaves does that i could be a possibility that thats the problem but i had another grow when i did that and i had no problems but it was in an aerogarden not soil


Well-Known Member
dude. you are over watering. stop watering and let your roots breathe.
allow your soil to get mostly dry between waterings.


alright so i havent watered in two days becides like 4 sqirts with a spray bottle to the top of the soil and the plants seem to look worrse, its basically all life becides the highes 4 stems (2 next to eachohter so 2 levels) are dieing completely,
the leaves turn a nasty brown color and crunch to the touch! every time a new level grows, another level dies within the next few days WTF


Active Member
just transplant the plants to bigger containers!! i guarentee you your plants will look better in a day mate! dont listen to anyone else because they are over analysing the problem!

your plants have been in that cup for too long the root just need to grow out and find some more water!


i transplanted all of them and same problem, i narrowed it down to a phosphorus def and am attempting to fix still


update i added bone meal to all the soils the first of july, and the problem is still current! also all plants are in a 1 gal pot

many of the plants have only three nodes, under them is just the stalk since all stems and leaves under the top 3 nodes fall off.
my plants look like palm trees and every (about) 4 days another node grows and another falls off slowly shriveling up from the tip of the leaf to stem, with the stem feeling very soft and droppy near the end and also red till it completely turns brown and falls off

any help?


the problem ended up just stopping one day.. like a week after i mixed bone meal with the soil and flushed out my plants, it could have been the bone meal finally working or something.. def not an overwatering problem..