my lovely ladys of 2008


Well-Known Member
And so a wonderful journy comes to an up setting end

those in melb will be aware of the 2 hour long thunder storm we had today... well white heavon put up a good fight but unfortunetly did not have the stamina to last the full 2 hours of heavy rain fall that we were so "lucky" to get today

i have clippped all the branches off and hung em to dry as it will be raining for the rest of the week.. tommoz ill hike back up there and strip all the leaves and chop the buds into a bucket and water cure them for 7 days

looks like ill get about 2 - 3 o's very upsetting we all know she had the potentual to pull at a very minimum double that

thanx to everyone that dropped in I am just sorry i couldnt reward you all with a killer harvest

anyways... no point getting down on it got a few more that will make it to the end so cant compain

this is the plant hung in a pine tree to dry



Well-Known Member
just thought id show whats left of her

there are a few brances left ill leave em to see what i can get off of em

and here is a bag this is 1/4 of what has to be trimmed this has taken me close to 3 hours

and here are also the weekly shots :D enjoy

