My ladies are finally in their new home and I think they're looking good!


Active Member
My first grow. I've only vegged out some males before. Rookie mistake, I should have written things on a calendar. I'm pretty sure they are 4-5 weeks old from seed.

1 OG Kush
1 Blueberry
1 Orange
1 Pineapple express
1 Mazar (it's the little baby. only about 3 week old.)
1 very sickly, but still grwoing OG Kush.

Is it a good thing they are so bushy?
I had the light way to close for about a week. They all look similar except the PE is short and bushy as hell and for some reason the blueberry has droopy leaves. I think they are all looking pretty healthy though. I've grown tomatoes for years. Of course, not indoors!

Light is a 400w MH. Plants are in FF ocean, FF Happy Frog, and FF perlite mix. I just transplanted them yesterday. The roots were all over the place in the small pots they were in.

sickly og

Pine express

og kush





Well-Known Member
looks like a bit too much water to me... I make sure I skip at least one days between waterings (but I make sure all looks good) over watering will stunt your growth a ton, especially at this stage in your plants life.


Active Member
looks like a bit too much water to me... I make sure I skip at least one days between waterings (but I make sure all looks good) over watering will stunt your growth a ton, especially at this stage in your plants life.
Thanks. That would make sense on why they seem to be smaller than most others I see at 5 Weeks. I've been watering daily. I'll cut back and see how they do. I think I have about everything else dialed in pretty decent.


Active Member
Wholly crap! I didn't water them today and maybe it's my mind playing tricks, but I swear they grew an inch! It's been approx 36 hours and I think I'll at least wait until morning to water.

Even though they are in FF happy frog and Ocean Forest, can I start nutes? The leaf stems on one is starting to turn purple.


Active Member
New pictures. I figured out my ladies were getting cold at night so I put an electric heater on a timer for when the light cuts off. It's supposed to be freezing tonight so I couldn't have timed it better. I am under the impression the reddening of the stems were from temp drop. I think they're looking good, but I may have fertilized them too soon. I'm just assuming because they look more droopy than normal. I put them in some potent soil and fed them normal strength nutes (according to the FF grow big inst.)

I'm hoping the red veins go away now that they should stay nice and warm at night. My fingers smelled awesome after messing with the PE! I didn't think I'd need my charcoal filter until flower. Wholly crap I was wrong! They are some STINKY ladies already. Had my filter on for over a week.

Anywho, feedback would be appreciated!

red veins

All the ladies

top of orange

My baby-Mazar

my sickly OG Kush

My droopy blue berry

I'm guessing big ass leaves are a good sign!