My, How are We Doing Thread....

Y.R. Token

High gang:

So I haven't had any smoke for 2 yrs, some here & there but very spotty, mostly due to a move where I know no one and not a lot of cash high for priced stuff. I got tired of it and had some bag seed, some of it very old, like more then 5 yrs, some less then a year, all mixed together for the most part. I got a book by seemorebuds and followed it sorta as to how to set up a cheep CFL grow and germ'ed two seeds I knew for sure were medical grade.

One turned out male and the other female, the female I took two clones from her http:// and their looking goodnow, better every day. I also had been reading in more then one place that if you put your seeds in distilled water and they float their dead or no good, but if they sink their good.... So I did that and well the four floaters I tossed "out" into a couple pots with media and much to my surprise they grew..... Those two were separated and only one made it, it's showing pistils.... Yea!

So as of today I have one female that is 48 days old and been in flower for 18 days now her name is Bertha and she is looking good I think. I have two clones from Bertha also looking good in veg. And three toss outs that are nice looking in veg with one for sure a female. And one single sativa in the room with Bertha called Sally Sativa. I've attached some photos, all are of Bertha and one shows a paint stir stick in the pot, those are a foot tall, and one image of Sally Sativa.

All are in MG potting mix with time release fert's and perlite. I water with tap water vented for 2 days or more and PH'ed to 6.5 to 6.8 and using in veg 6 100 watt 5500K CFL's and in flower 2 300 watt 2700K, 2 150 watt 2700K and two 100 watt 5000K CFL's and every thing is covered in mylar for the best reflection of the lights and temps are 70 to 80 in light and 60 to 70 in dark with humidity running 30 to 35%.

Now if I can just make it to harvest, we'll be set.

I would like to thank everyone who has helped answer my questions and provide advice when I asked....:clap:

Your thoughts welcome.

Ghetto Flower.jpgBertha 04.jpgBertha 03.jpgPicture 025.jpgSally Sativa.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 022.jpg


First of all-I like your screen name. I thought the Y was a J for awhile.

So ya got bored and started some seeds huh? Next thing you know you're running to the hardware store every chance you get. I am on my 1st grow and enjoy spending time puttering around. I have my 3 shrubs under a screen to try to encourage as many colas as I can. So I am curious, do you plan on topping your very nice-looking plants? Is your goal racing to harvest or a big harvest? My seeds were germed the 2nd week of December. Just over 90 days. I vegged them for 60+ days. I guess you wouldn't top Bertha, she is looking fine. But the sativa..?

Now you have to try to replicate your technique of just tossing seeds in media and having them sprout!


Y.R. Token

I don't know about Sally Sativa she may get topped, or LST'ed. And Bertha, well she is LST'ed right now and I had not planned to top it, I have the room to go up to about 8-1/2 feet if I have too. There is no race to harvest, but I flowered early in line with my guide book so that my plants stay short and are done sooner then normal, due the CFL's. And right now I have enough to keep busy after these two are harvested, plan to keep a mother from the Bertha clones I took.

And I really didn't have to make many trips to the hardware store, I followed the book and made some personal changes I felt were better and the rest is shit from around the house to keep my cost low, like making a reflecting hood out of paint stir sticks, duck tape and a shop light box lined with mylar. I also used a couple big cardboard boxes for removable wall to access my flower area but keep mylar on all four sides. I also made a DIY air scrubber and it was tested today when I had a visitor, no smell or noise.....

Y.R. Token

Are you trying to say by using the :wall: icon a number of times that my use of MG media was wrong?:sad:

Maybe you missed the part about my buying and following a book written by one of the mods on here....

While I can understand many growers seem to think that using MG is stupid, there are other post that seem to say other wise, I have no experience to judge other wise and in fact I started my grow experience before finding this this forum and it's (for the most part) helpful posters and reading the different points of view on media's.

All I do know is my plants are growing quite well and looking nice every day, my bag of media is almost gone and it will be time to get more in the near future, can't say I will stay with MG or move to another such as fox farms and learn to use nutes.

For me this all been about getting some nice smoke, learning in a hands on method and do it all on a low budget... I've never grown in or out, taken a clone, or learned about PH levels, until now. My clones took off, my water is PH'ed ect.

I like thinking out of the box and finding ways to solve a need, while many of you feel strongly that you need all that high dollar fancy shit to "do it right" it seems to me, based on the results, that you don't need all that crap, you need a desire and willingness to learn, but IMHO you need to have fun and enjoy the experience most of all.

I like my ghetto grow and I think my main plant looks real nice! :bigjoint:

For those who think other wise, well that gives me the chance to use this cool icon....:finger: LOL


Active Member
When I first started I already had MG in an unopened bag so that is what I used. I also had the All Purpose and the Flowering fertilizer so I used that too. Then I found this site and discovered I was doing it all wrong. I don't understand the hatred for MG other than it has time released fertilizers that "might" burn your plants. Like I said, I really don't understand because I had no major problems, just the usually newbie stuff. I started with MG so I know that it works, but based on others responses and views, other soil mixes works better. I am starting my next plants with Farm Fox Ocean Forest and the next ones with Roots Organic. I want to see if there really is that much of a difference other than the cost. Good luck with your MG, your plants, they are looking good.

Y.R. Token

Miracle Grow - We will find out the hard way

Yep, a little late to jump ship now... so as long as I don't kill them I hope to sit back and roll a big hog' legger in the future and enjoy it bogart style....:bigjoint:

well ok I might share a little :leaf:, maybe...


Well-Known Member
We used Organic MG for one of our plants and it's the only one that seems to have some problems with curling leaves, but it also grew a little faster than the other two. It would have been fine if we'd mixed half MG and half some other soil I'm sure though. But we decided never to use MG again LOL. Do what works man, looks great!!!!