My grow box

This is my box its 27 by 17 by 17 except on the back half behind the dvds it extends up 26 inches but the lights will hang at 17 to 20 inches. Looking for advice on grow techniques for this. thinking about cutting holes in bottom to hold grow medium for an extra 3-4 inches. this is my first post so hopefully pics work. thanks.

Thanks guys yeah i will be light proofing adding mylar or flat white and getting some good ventilation in there just threw up some pics because i was talking to penyajo about a grow with similar height restrictions he did and wanted to give him a visual. Any advice on grow techniques would be much appreciated still havent figured out what im gonna do in it yet. got some seeds im germin now tho


Well-Known Member
Either SOG or LST the hell outta it. Or maybe autoflower. I personallly dont like to grow autos but they are nice in small spaces
Either SOG or LST the hell outta it. Or maybe autoflower. I personallly dont like to grow autos but they are nice in small spaces
Yeah i was thinking sog originally and going 12/12 from seed or vegging 2 weeks i just dont want to outgrow my box. I grew some lsd in my closet had to move to a box for security reasons and it went crazy in flowe got covered atleast a 2' by 3' area at about 2ft high