My girls are getting too big! Help!


Ok... Maybe there's no such thing as "too big". However, over the last two weeks or so, my girls have been growing tremendously (outdoors). So much so that every morning when i come out to water or tend to them, i find at least one lower branch completely snapped off because of its weight! Now i have started to tie them up to the main stalks (which are huge) but that could get time consuming as i have 60 girls in my garden. I was considering bending the lower branches down, however it may be too late for that since they are all aiming upward. Any suggestions as to bracing them? Am i going to have to cage them or something?

Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
id suggest a cage. it may take you a few days but thats part of the work if you have that many. you wont regret it. the time you spend will be more than worth your troubles. just my 2 cents.