My friends opening up about being an alien? wtf?


Well-Known Member
Okay so let me explain this may be a very large post, but if you read it you will learn a lot and help me in my predicimate. So, I have this friend who shall be called guy. Recently he has been hanging around these girls that are a little out of the ordinary, and ridiculously good looking. One of the girls last name is pixie. Thats not really her last name, but it seems appropriate. Now, about two weeks ago I had a life changing, religious experience with an overload of 25c nBOME. It blew my mind that her last name was pixie, because not too long ago, about a year Id say, my only other 'life changing' trip happened. The man, the rapper if you remember my post. His last name as well was.. well.. Pixie. They have no relation, but at the time a long while back, me and two friends were convinced he was god.

Or something of the sort. Some god sent angel or something. Here to teach us life lessons. Which we learned, and caused me too have an everlasting feeling of tranquility. He was us, but famous. What happened that night was unexplainable. Same with the trip that was more recent. They normally are that way, I mean its tripping. But Ive tripped hundred, if not thousands(not to brag, or look like a jackass) of times. And those two are the ones that hold meaning. It wasnt my mind that was bending, it was the events that occurred. My mind being bent had a lot to do with my perception on the whole thing as well.

Psychedelics allow you to see the utter most simplistic complexities of the universe itself. The intertwining of everything, circles inside of circles. As well as lucid dreaming and meditation have records of doing. We are all organisms working toward something greater, a superorganism. Cells are organisms, they live and die, all working together toward a greater cause. When seperated from the cause, they die( take a cell from your liver and see if it lives). Now we humans tend to die off when we feel we are no longer needed. Isolate somebody for long enough, they die almost immediately, in the grand scale of time itself a few years is nothing. We humans in analogy are very close to proteins in a cell, we go to the factory to produce energy. And are fueled by a centering life source that codes the entire society. Our universe, our dimension even, are still pawns in the giant paradox of life itself. Of everything. Its forever and always. It exists, therefor it doesn't exist. It doesnt exist, therefor it exists. Existence is nothing. Words are nothing.

May sound depressing, but I still enjoy life to the fullest.

Anywho. These girls are convincing guy that they in fact are aliens. They refuse to explain it to anyone, they say they are from the mothership. Its obvious bullshit. Guy is convinced. He says they have taught him how to shapeshift, and in their true form they are 3cm tall and purple. Grotesque appearance. He says they trust no one, but have trust in me for some reason. They want to teach me and so does he. But theres a catch. It can only be possible for me to comprehend while under the influence of psychedelics, preferably tryptamines. This is where I've been thinking very hard.

At first glance it seems they are testing out some MK ultra shit. Fucking with my mind(as they already apparently have his). But when taking into consideration the equilibrium of how absolutely everything works, one weight pulls the other one level. If I were to see this on psychedelics, I would not believe it. He specifically told me all I have to do is believe. Now if I were to believe it, it would turn into reality. For me. Now to the outside world, I'd be viewed as insane. Internally however, I would think I knew what no one else did. My reality would be skewed, putting me on a different point in this equilibrium.

One other point I need to make clear in this is the concept of ultraterrestrials. I've posted about these as well in the past. Basically they are 'aliens' that have been here all along(well possibly). Gnomes, fairys, ghosts, UFO's. They are all silhouettes or giant flashing lights in the sky. Its impossible to pin point exactly what you are seeing unless undergoing sleep paralysis or dreams. The reason is humanities consciousness is that of an animal too them. Say we were to fly into the Amazon and steal some monkeys. They are unable to interpret what the giant flashing bird is in the sky that is taking their mates too never be seen again. Why would this happen to them?

Now think why would this happen to us?

Ultraterrestrials also apparently throughout the course of history enjoy stealing babies. For obvious reasons if you were to conduct a reasonable timely experiment, you should take them while theyre fresh right? The babies were then switched out with alien copies. Now theres two theories I have on this. Either the babies they replace with are very intellectual(aliens themselves) or are dumb as a box of rocks(explains all the dumbass robots who constantly have no thought process and yet work toward the greater cause). I believe in the first theory more. there are a very select amount of people I even consider as intellectual as I(not to be selfish). Is it possible, that these alien babies reproduced, and had hybrid babies in order too speed up the metabolic processes of Earth's race? Is it possible that I, and a select few people I know are in fact alien hybrids? Is it possible that YOU are in fact one as well?

Who are the real aliens then? Well, they would never tell you, possibly they are contacted at some point in life and notified of their differences. Told to breed.

Dumb is smart, smart is dumb. Black is white, white is black. Yin is yang, yang is yin. Toothpaste is orange juice, orange juice is toothpaste(If observed properly).

Now why are coincidences so utterly prevalent, yet so frowned upon noticing? There are so many patterns to be noticed. If you've ever taken a psychedelic, you know the mechanics of fractals, which are the closest thing I even know to explaining the complexities of this equilibrium. Except possibly a long time ago I read about a shape called E8. A lot of the patterns we notice are irrelevant. Fractals seem to be perfect randomness, yet organized. Randomness is not random. Its a pattern that our species can't possibly fathom. Thus we leave it at the unknown. I myself have thought a lot, and still mature. I am 24, yet had some of these same thoughts at a younger age. What will happen when I grow old?Will I even grow old? Who knows.

The very key to life was discovered on LSD. Francis Scoot Crick discovered LSD running into his wifes room saying he knows the answer, and had a double helix drawn on a sheet of paper. Now the fact that guy told me I could only understand his shapeshifting on psychedelics has been making me wonder. I have been able to see lots of things through the lenses of hallucinogens. It goes along the lines of how people always say "Maybe the hallucinations were really there all along".

Truthfully your brain is god. Reality is what you make it. Its your perception on itself. Now there is another paradox of god made your brain(not in a biblical sense, but yes it works for that as well). Man made god made man made god made man made god.. Aha xD Ahh the weights of the equilibrium. Right is wrong is right is wrong. Black is white is black is white.

I have been PMing a person on here about a 'condition' called therianthropy (I hope your reading this lol). That is, when a person feels they have animal characteristics. They act like animals, have animal impulses. I personally was thinking about this in my own experiences. I have acted like a cat many times.. 'been' a cat. I think its part of the larger thing completely. If I were a hybrid, I'd be interested in the way cats work. Even more interested in how humans work. I am a human therefor I am a cat. But if I'm a hybrid, I'm not human.

But this also gives truth to the fact that we are in fact ultraterrestrials according too animals. They just dont have formalized language to cooperate and figure it out. Had they had language, we'd have killed them off, or the reverse. Only one would make it through if the minds were truly different. Humans are humans.

I hope I'm not losing you, I can see my sentences becoming a bit confusing. Anyways, this weekend I am tripping with them in my sacred place. I'm going to figure this stuff out. I'll take his word and be open minded about it(not that I believe one speck of it). But I wont know if I dont at least cooperate a little. What is the saying? You cant win if you dont try.

But like most other cases, ALL other cases. This will probably yet again prove that.

Bitches be trippin.


Well-Known Member
What I do know is that Im thinking about using some people as subjects and making them believe things such as this, using psychedelics. Its possible, its definitely make MY life more interesting haha. I need to read more about charles manson.... :p

cary schellie

Active Member
my buddy drinks a gallon of vodka a day, says the aliens take him a few times a month so he has to be fucked up. The dude will just break out and cry. He used to be normal


Well-Known Member

  • my buddy drinks a gallon of vodka a day, says the aliens take him a few times a month so he has to be fucked up. The dude will just break out and cry. He used to be normal​

See what does this too people? Its very obvious the drug is taking effect on his brain, but... To him, he does the drug because of the aliens.

The question is which came first? The vodka drinking or the alien talking?

Chicken or the egggg niiiqqqqaaaaaa!


Well-Known Member
my buddy drinks a gallon of vodka a day, says the aliens take him a few times a month so he has to be fucked up. The dude will just break out and cry. He used to be normal
Aliens are brutal, tell him to start chain smoking Marlboros- It will keep the grey aliens from abducting him, it has worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Lol in all honestly one time while I was high I thought about humans being some form of a alien hybrid. Idk about all that other stuff


Well-Known Member
Lol, I had some young guy come knock on my door a while ago, telling me he is an alien too and that white poeple were left behind here when the rest of the aliens left after collecting enough rocks to build a new space ship.
Was such a nice young man too... I've always wondered what kind of person would do this to a nice kid. Charisma carries a great responibility.


Well-Known Member
you gotta be high now cause i dont understand one fucking thing u said i was lost at guy and 2 hot chicks


Well-Known Member
Aha, see I had to put some skepticism in there because its not believable.. I'm just curious as too why my friend is so convinced. Ive never seen him dead set on shit like that. Its a secret he wont tell anybody, he usually doesnt shut the fuck up about everything. Blabbering loud mouth. But he's so secrative about this whole things. Oh and he's only alloud to teach one person shapeshifting skills and memory erasing. And thats me? I dont understand. Im gonna see tomorrow though,

Lol schitzophrenia in the working much?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
What I do know is that Im thinking about using some people as subjects and making them believe things such as this, using psychedelics. Its possible, its definitely make MY life more interesting haha. I need to read more about charles manson.... :p


Anytime someone says "I'm thinking about using some people as subjects", it's a 'lil spooky to me.

C'est tout.


Well-Known Member
Will you share your experiences and how to shapeshift, pm's if you think it's too much of a secret.