my friend changed his light set up and one plant curled and changed color its dying.


Well-Known Member
wtf! did you did to her....IDK? maybe try some Supper Thrive or Revive? but tbh she looks Fooked! pardon My French!

Edit: Looks under developed and over nute'd....? Looks sparse Man...What kinda setup You had Her under.....?


New Member
I have it under a plant light and it was good until my buddy changed the set up and moved the plants and lights and this one just curled up its green leaves and died with white or yellow dots in the middle of its green leaves its looking bad cause this is my baby.


Well-Known Member
Sort of confusing, why is your buddy changing the set up on your plant? In any event, there isn't much to save here. Spindly little overfertilized plant already in flower and not looking good. Harsh words but you deserve the straight truth. I'm sure you will have better grows in the future if you take the time figure out where this one went wrong, and it did not go wrong recently with a change in lights. Research up on dirt, nutes and lighting and hit it hard on your next grow.


New Member
Sort of confusing, why is your buddy changing the set up on your plant? In any event, there isn't much to save here. Spindly little overfertilized plant already in flower and not looking good. Harsh words but you deserve the straight truth. I'm sure you will have better grows in the future if you take the time figure out where this one went wrong, and it did not go wrong recently with a change in lights. Research up on dirt, nutes and lighting and hit it hard on your next grow.