My first time i got..............


Well-Known Member
High.u pervs.The first time I got high is a boring ass story but I thought it would b a good thread to start.

The first time I got high I was 11(that's BAD).To make a boring story short,I used to fish the my ass off when I was little,I got some weed from my older sis,went to the creek,rolled a pitiful joint and me and my friend got stoned.Everything was so surreal,calm,trippy and
funny as fuck:)-.I was hooked,been faithful ever since.I'm sure ya'lls stories are funnier,let's hear some!



Well-Known Member
I remember when I first got high,I was 16 with virgin lungs lol..My friends brother,moved next door to me and he was very good friends with my sister.So one day he came over and was like,man I got some bud you want to smoke with me? me not wanting to sound like a square and always was curious to see what it felt like to get high,I said yeah.We're on the side of the house,and I'm nervous as hell,thinking I'm gonna get caught,he says chill out and just relax.

The moment of truth,the blunt is being passed to me,I'm thinking it can't be that bad or fuck me up,so what the hell,I hit it a few times,after a minute or two,its like a feeling came over me,the weed took its toll and everything was in 3D,kids were playing just around the block and it sounded like they were very close to us lol..the shit was weird.I get up and walking was like being a fuckin astrounot on the moon,I said man I'm going home,I don't feel so good.On the way home I'm saying to myself I'm never doing this shit ever again,I get home and go straight to my room,wanting to come down off of this shit,but I was high as fuck lol..This is when I started enjoying the high,I turn on the TV and everything was so fuckin funny,funnier than it ever been,I'm watching shit I usually would not watch,and is just cracking up,got the munchies and the food tasted out of this world,I had some ritz sour cream and onion crackers and some spray cheese,that was the best shit ever,then I went back next door for more lol..that was a good year,fall of 2005 my cherry got popped.


Active Member
I was 13 and was hanging out with one of my friends and I left for his house (didn't tell my mom I was leaving why that's bad is coming up later) we went to his basement trying to look for booze to drink but there was only a little bit of cactus juice left so he said we can call one of my friends to see if he has any weed and I never tried it before but was curious so I said sure... Next thing I know we're on our peddle bikes drivin 3 miles into the next town on the main road and we get to his house and he was a old friend of mine too I lost touch with so we talked for a little bit and then he has a blunt roach stuffed in the circle part on a safety pin and he tells me to tilt my head back and light it so I kinda struggle a little cuz I didn't wanna burn my hair and face off so hen e says hold on I got a better idea and pulls out a mini hookah like 8 inches tall and he hits it , the friend I came there with hit it, then they passed the little hookah to me and I wanted to look cool cuz it was my first time smoking so I take a big ass hit and then I blow the smoke out while they are still coughing I didn't cough once I was like "did I do it wrong?" next thing I know everything turns black for about 30 seconds and when I'm back in "reality" everything just seemed soo funny... The feeling I had, the tv, the music, faces, and just about everything was funny and seemed calmer... A few minuets later I asked what was that shit? He said lemon kush not for beginners, I was so high that I was hearing sounds louder and everything seemed far away like I was back an extra 10 feet from everything and I wasn't too hungry but his brother walked in with pizza hut and Pepsi and I had 1 piece and drank almost a 2 liter of Pepsi myself (had cotton mouth big time!!!) and then after 2 hours I was still feeling it and they packed a bong up then brought it to me (because I was stuck on the floor) and they had to light it for me cuz my hands were all over the place and I was soo stone that I couldn't even hit the bong right... So I feel high after about another hour or 2 and my friends mom was coming home from work in a half hour so he said we gotta go and I was like "it's dark, we gotta ride peddle bikes home, it's pouring rain, and I'm still stoned off my ass" so I had to walk my bike down the hill cuz I could barely walk and then after we got to the bottom of the hill I said I think I'm okay to ride the bike now so we did and after about 5 minuets I was blacked the fuck out and next thing I kow there's a horn blowing behind me and an old lady screaming at me to get out of the middle of the road (I got so stoned I rode a bike 3 miles unconscious...) so then we get to his house soaking wet and I immeadietly go for his mattress lay down and fall asleep... Then someone starts shaking me saying "Michael wake up it's the police" and I thought it was my fiend fucking with me cuz 20 minute earlier he said the cops were coming... But sure as shit I turn over there's a state trooper standing ove me in his house saying my mom called me in as a runaway and they are taking me home... So I'm still half stoned but I was very cooperative but paranoid... He asked "was you smoking any marijuana tonight?" and I was like "nah" (which we both knew I was) and he just took me to my house which was only 4 minute drive and then I go home my moms not pissed but she said "next time you leave make sure you tell me where the fuck your going" so I got in the shower went to bed and that was the very detailed first time I got high :)


Active Member
Wall of text much? If you want people to read your posts you need to break them into smaller paragraphs.

First time I ever smoked bud was with three friends out of a small blue sneak-a-toke. I guess I got high, but I'm one of those anomalies that didn't really get high until after smoking a decent number of times...and yes I was inhaling. I felt something, but didn't get to where I would consider high.

The first times I got really high were pretty crazy. The very first time I had a small out of body experience before walking into a Fred Meyer...needless to say I was pretty sketched out the whole time I was in there. Luckily I was with a pretty good friend at the time who kept me from doing anything crazy. The second time I was seeing insane amounts of tracers. I remember walking down a hill that led away from the high school I would eventually attend, and what in reality took like 2 minutes seemed like an eternity. We went to Wendy's shortly after that. I ordered some random burger, sat down to eat it, and all the tomatoes fell out onto my shirt. Normally I would have reacted somewhat negatively, but at the time I just looked at them on my white shirt, said fuck it, and kept eating the burger...I think. Then we went back to my buddy's house and I'm not sure what happened from then on. I am sure his dad knew I was stoned out of my mind, but he was a stoner himself, so he didn't really say anything. At least I don't remember him saying anything.


Well-Known Member
very late bloomer was i. was 33, had a landscape business, kids half my get the idea? i tried other drugs too. weed was the only one that stuck. and of cource we smoked it before, during and after work. those were the days


Active Member
rofl, i was 17 almost going on 18 when i started. i consider that to be a good starting age since you know what the hell you're doing. anyways, me and my two boys burned one down and i didn't feel anything until it got to like a clip. like that one hit just "tickled" my brain, as if it was an instantaneous thing. maybe i had been getting high since the beginning but i definitely felt it at the clip. anyways we just talked bullshit and i was laughing at all their silly ass jokes/noises. butterflies around me had trails, and everything was so wonderful. now its just like, ok i'm smoking to not be sober. blah


Active Member
rofl, i was 17 almost going on 18 when i started. i consider that to be a good starting age since you know what the hell you're doing. anyways, me and my two boys burned one down and i didn't feel anything until it got to like a clip. like that one hit just "tickled" my brain, as if it was an instantaneous thing. maybe i had been getting high since the beginning but i definitely felt it at the clip. anyways we just talked bullshit and i was laughing at all their silly ass jokes/noises. butterflies around me had trails, and everything was so wonderful. now its just like, ok i'm smoking to not be sober. blah
I know how that is man... I mean I still love weed and all it's just it was way better my first time smoking... I still do all I can to reach that high again but I'm so used to it by now that it's not a huge deal anymore... I smoke cuz reality sucks and it's better to alter it as much as you can...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
My first time was hazy. I went out and bought a chillum. That night, after my wife went to bed, I packed a bowl, nervously taking only one hit. About all that happened was my heart raced and concentrating to read this site became very difficult.

I was high as fuck but didn't know it. It was getting late but didn't want to stink. While in the shower, everything was surreal, like being in a bubble. There was music playing. At first I thought I was crazy but finally realized it was the water hissing from the shower head. Time went by seemingly forever, but the hot water only lasts 15 minutes and was still hot afterwards.

Once I could think again, for a couple more hours my whole body felt tingly. It was great.

For the the first time in a long time everything felt good. It was off to bed and I slept like a dream.

The next day felt like Christmas when you're a kid. Maybe it's because those who are bipolar can free their mind or weed's lingering effects can last almost a whole day.

People keep saying your first time really high is the best, but every session gets better, like that's the way it always is.
Love this thread. My first time was fucked. Had a good night camping when I was 15 with a friend and his family. When everyone was all passed out except for a few of us around the fire, one of my buddies older cousins asked us if we wanted to smoke some bud. I figured no better time or place for my first go. My buddy was all scared and went to sleep and I got high as shit from some sticky budz. When I woke up my buddy's aunt cornered me and asked about "the incident last night?" I crumbled and told her I got stoned as hell!! They gave me the "drug speech" and I quit hangin out with that dude.. Still had a good trip to the lake though.


Well-Known Member
Love this thread. My first time was fucked. Had a good night camping when I was 15 with a friend and his family. When everyone was all passed out except for a few of us around the fire, one of my buddies older cousins asked us if we wanted to smoke some bud. I figured no better time or place for my first go. My buddy was all scared and went to sleep and I got high as shit from some sticky budz. When I woke up my buddy's aunt cornered me and asked about "the incident last night?" I crumbled and told her I got stoned as hell!! They gave me the "drug speech" and I quit hangin out with that dude.. Still had a good trip to the lake though.

So you mean your still 15 right....

Bravo on reviving a dead thread...


Well-Known Member
I was 12 or 13 (can't remember ) when i got first high
A friend came over and said i found a bucket of weed in dads garage , do you want some ?
I said fuck yeah , i'll grab some off ya , i'm dying for a smoke i said ! (i had never tried it b4 , but i did want to) as everyone was talking about it at school by that age
So we went to his place , he went inside and got a freezer bag , then proceed to fill the whole large freezer bag full of bud !!!!
"There ya go he said" I put that shit down my pants , and said thanx i gotta go now
I didn't know what the fuck to do now . I went and showed a couple of other virgin smokeing mates , they were like fuck man , i don't know what if we get busted .
After an hour of talking them into it we went down to the shop bought some papers , then went down the park .
We rolled up a couple of blunts are proceeded to puff , puff , give
We all kept asking eachother are you high yet ? over and over again
I don't think i were high anyway , we all went back to our own homes .
No one was at home when i got there so i went out the backyard and rolled a couple more (thinking i couldn't feel anything from the last session.
I sat there and smoked 1 after eachother , then went inside not feeling a thing
Next thing ya know my parents come home so i go to my room and watch tv lying on my bed
Then all of a suddern the whole room starts spinning , i'm laying on my bed holding on for dear life
This went on for like 10 minutes untill i had to stagger to the toilet and puke my guts up for like 5 minutes
Everyones banging on the door asking if i'm ok . I'm spewing and trying to yell out to my parents yes , yes i'm ok
Then i got the toilet spins , that made me lay on the toilet floor in the fetal posistion thinking i was going to die
My parents fucked off for a sec so i stumbled back to my room got under the blanket and tried my hardest to sleep it off
It worked i woke up a couple af hours later i woke up feeling ok , bit light headed but ok
Then i had to explain how i had a couple of puffs of a smoke(just tobacco of coarse ) at school to my parents .
I said i would never do it again . I said i've been sick all day , why would you smoke if it makes you sick mum ? i said
Anyway that's my story
Since then i havn't stopped smoking either substance