My first organic soil mix attempt :D


Hey everyone tried many many liquid ferts. Some with great results some with not so good results.

So heres the recipe I followed. If anybody has a good recipe where you dont have to layer it that you can use full pot everytime let me know. Unless it costs more. I'm all about trying to go fully organic and keep cost down.

1 bag 3 cubic foot sunshine advanced mix #4 broken up equals close to 6 cubic feet.
15lb bag of earthworm castings
2.5lbs blood meal
2.2lbs bat guano
2.5lbs bone meal
1/3 cup epsom salt
1/2 cup sweet lime (dolomite)
1/4 cup azomite
2TBS humic acid

Got it sitting in a container right now getting ready for next run in 4-5 weeks. any adjustments or anything I may need would be helpful since theirs still time to add anything. But I'm not going to add another 10 amendments. maybe some tea recipes if needed? just want my organic grow to go well.

will post pics of products used and my container.



Also plan on using only roots organic original mix for veg. hope to not need any extra ferts.

Will this be a problem?
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I think I may mix up a batch of soil with

Neem cake
Sea Kelp meal
Crustacean meal
Comfrey leaf
worm castings

and make my oil soil using sphagnum, perlite, coco

and see how well it does side by side


Soil going good soil is warm to the touch and growing nice film on top of bin. My soil is alive and thriving


Seeing some horrible cal mag defficiencies in some of my babies. Can i top dress with garden lime to recitfy the situation. I guess with just roots organic original soil isnt enough for them using ro water. I kinda expected this but figured i would give it a shot. Lesson learned.