My first Medical Grow DWC Sour Cream, LA Conf, White Widow, AK47 COMMENTS WELCOME


Hey Alan nice to meet you mate!

Can you advise us on your total dry weight after harvest! Hope you get mass quantities!!!

If possible can you let me know how much your W/W puts out and also end finishing height for her, Ive got some W/W and Super on at moment and only ever done bag weed, so im unsure

Thanks bud and good luck with this grow and all future rooms


Well-Known Member
Sure thing man, I will have some pics too but I will get you the height on that WW tomorrow. It's got a week left and is by far the most impressive of them all. This plant was not topped at all but grew many branches that managed to get up to the top of the canopy producing a nice layer of dense buds. Some of the main tops are massive compared to the other strains. As far as yield on the WW I will let you know, a fellow caregiver who is more experienced than me said to expect 3-4 oz from it after taking a look so we will see.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that I cut 13 branches of the LA Confidential on christmas night. Amounted to about 1/4 of the plant, dry weight 21g. Even uncured this shit is pretty smooth smoke.
Alan I had the same experience. 4 days drying and the smoke was smooth and the taste was fantastic. I have smoked a little cured now and it is just smoother with a very lung expanding smoke. I have been harvesting as the buds are finishing.4.JPG
This is my mutant nug that is still budding out. It got slightly burned by the light early in flower when i went out of town for a week and it decided to grow another finger bud on the top. finally starting to swell up now.



Well-Known Member
This is my mutant nug that is still budding out. It got slightly burned by the light early in flower when i went out of town for a week and it decided to grow another finger bud on the top. finally starting to swell up now.

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lol I will have to take a pic of the one bud I have that is very similar to that one of yours. Same situation, it hit the light around day 20 of flowering and when it recovered it grew like 8 fingers off of it, and looks very simlilar to your bud.


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up man! How's things going? I finally got around to startting my journal you should totally check it out. Could use all the help i can get!

~Buddy J~
Awsome man I will check it out after work tonight for sure. Going good over here I am about 50% done with my harvest it has been very slow going with just me and my friend trimming. I have a ton of pics I will probably post them all at once within a few days when we get it all trimmed up.


Well-Known Member
Awsome man I will check it out after work tonight for sure. Going good over here I am about 50% done with my harvest it has been very slow going with just me and my friend trimming. I have a ton of pics I will probably post them all at once within a few days when we get it all trimmed up.
Hell ya man thats awesome! Can't wait to see the pics!