My First Indoor Grow. PICS from all phases. 8wks old


Update 10/31/11

Cleaned the remaing scraggly branches that weren't getting much light, and not producing anything. watered with a lower nutrient ratio today.

Question: Today I cut off a leaf from a plant that has been acting weird since birth. Primarily it's fan leaves have some sort of deficiency or just neglect. The plants buds, smaller leaves look perfectly healthy, but I can notice it coming in at the bottom still. This is the only plant acting like this. Any ideas?

2011-10-31 13.10.49.jpg


Well-Known Member
awsome job a little stretched they look sativa saw a few indica indica/sativa but they are all stretched the problem with cfl or non hid is you have to keep them so close to maximize their output
with so many plants i would of cut off all the bottom branches so the tops could get better bud growth too much foliage for the bottom leaves to get enough light/ or a low stress training you might see twice the yield

you don't need to downsize i get bored with just a few plants scrog has gotten really popular lately you should try the same grow with just a different approach


awsome job a little stretched they look sativa saw a few indica indica/sativa but they are all stretched the problem with cfl or non hid is you have to keep them so close to maximize their output
with so many plants i would of cut off all the bottom branches so the tops could get better bud growth too much foliage for the bottom leaves to get enough light/ or a low stress training you might see twice the yield

you don't need to downsize i get bored with just a few plants scrog has gotten really popular lately you should try the same grow with just a different approach
I'll try that exactly, I have 13 high quality strains, not sure on the name, but 1 of them is banana kush. Im thinking a SCROG grow with the same amount of lights and plants. Not letting the lighting get out of wack from 1 plant being too tall. Maybe a MH or HPS.


what's going on with 1 of my plants. It's been like this throughout the entire life. Only one. Primarily bigger fan leaves.2011-10-31 13.10.49.jpg


Well-Known Member
hard to say from looking at just one leaf it could be something as serious as nute burn or somthing as minor as hot spot if its one leaf sometimes it just happens if you feed all the other plants the same thing and its just a few leaves then its prolly just burnt cut it so the plant doesnt waste energy trying to repair it and your golden

if its lower on the plant it might just be a fan leaf they tend to die and fall off while flowering the lower leaves is where the plant stores all its sugars

check for grow lights very cheap they are trusted and fast shipping


hard to say from looking at just one leaf it could be something as serious as nute burn or somthing as minor as hot spot if its one leaf sometimes it just happens if you feed all the other plants the same thing and its just a few leaves then its prolly just burnt cut it so the plant doesnt waste energy trying to repair it and your golden

if its lower on the plant it might just be a fan leaf they tend to die and fall off while flowering the lower leaves is where the plant stores all its sugars

check for grow lights very cheap they are trusted and fast shipping
Yeah if any leaves are looking like they are being taken over from whatever it is, I just snip them off and discard them. I do like that website, they are pretty dam cheap like you said. which do you reccomend, HPS or MH? Pros and Cons to each? Isn't is MH for veg, and HPS for flower?


Well-Known Member
if you choose to stay small scale (some people have a bloom room and a veg room so crop is rolling in 24/7) you could get a mh conversion ballast where you flip a switch and its hps you just put the new bulb in and your good to go for both stages

hps is more for flower it gives off a orange hue i havent seen any veg bulbs for hps but i don't really use hid for veg i find the light to be too tricky, like to be able to manipulate my plants with fluros you can get them really close without burning definite pro is they don't stretch for the light if you keep them close enough it has always worked for me
nothing wrong with sticking with fluros if thats what you choose flower is where the light truly matters its where the magic happens

if you have your mind set on using a hid and plan to stay on your scale i would go with at least a 600w mh you can get a bulb for both spectrums change em out for the different cycles and your golden although 1000w would be all you will ever need

check out
extremely useful thread about lighting has helped me alot over the years with calculations and what not


if you choose to stay small scale (some people have a bloom room and a veg room so crop is rolling in 24/7) you could get a mh conversion ballast where you flip a switch and its hps you just put the new bulb in and your good to go for both stages

hps is more for flower it gives off a orange hue i havent seen any veg bulbs for hps but i don't really use hid for veg i find the light to be too tricky, like to be able to manipulate my plants with fluros you can get them really close without burning definite pro is they don't stretch for the light if you keep them close enough it has always worked for me
nothing wrong with sticking with fluros if thats what you choose flower is where the light truly matters its where the magic happens

if you have your mind set on using a hid and plan to stay on your scale i would go with at least a 600w mh you can get a bulb for both spectrums change em out for the different cycles and your golden although 1000w would be all you will ever need

check out
extremely useful thread about lighting has helped me alot over the years with calculations and what not
I just looked into this and craigslist has some great deals. Or, if I can find a very good priced deal, then I'll get that.

Update 11/1

Added a air pump and air stone to resevoir, and a return line that pumps a few times a day recirculating the water.

Pictures From Today



Today i ordered a 600w switchable hps/mh dimmable digital ballast for 180. Came with both bulbs too. Should be here soon.



Today was a good day. The plant seems extremely healthy. Just smoked a few bong rips and watched them.

I also took about 5 mins making a return valve, so that when the timer turns on the water just gets recycled and moved through the air stones a few times a day.

Is it okay if I get rid of my current cfl/fluorescent lighting and switch to my new 600w HPS when it arrives(11/5ish)?

Pics of course! :-P



Well-Known Member
ofcorse you can do it during the day phase tho you don't wanna shock your plants by messing up the 12/12

a side note don't smoke around your plants man its bad luck

how many cfls/ fluros do you have atm nd what wattage are they



ofcorse you can do it during the day phase tho you don't wanna shock your plants by messing up the 12/12

a side note don't smoke around your plants man its bad luck

how many cfls/ fluros do you have atm nd what wattage are they

15 x 100w cfl, 4 x 125w cfl, 4 x 40w 4ft T12 bulbs

Installing the light tomorrow when the package arrives, hopefully they still run on Saturdays!

Found a buyer for all my cfl/fluros. I can get cfls/fluros for next to nothing, so I have no use for sitting on close to 30 total cfls 2,700/6,500 and t12s. Almost getting my new light for free after its all said and done.

Lighting grid as of right now



The room has been at 80 degrees all day. Im happy that we're not having heat issues anymore and the weather around here is starting to become pretty cool (50 to 70).

Today I noticed that some hairs are turning this reddish dark color. Is this normal? Take a look at the pictures. Some are showing. Some aren't.




Today is the day of days. My package arrived.
- 600w digital dimmable (50%, 75%, 100%) ballast MH/HPS
- 600w HPS bulb @ 85,000 lumens 2,100k
- 600w MH bulb @ 55,000 lumens 6,500k
- 1500w timer
- 18in 8 fold Hood with 95% refelctivity

2011-11-05 20.14.28.jpg2011-11-05 20.14.18.jpg2011-11-05 20.13.28.jpg2011-11-05 20.13.16.jpg

The light install was very tricky. I had a huge light rack holding all the cfls & t12s. I carefully removed the hard to reach lights and then installed my HPS bulb, hood, ballast, and wires. Once the bulb was on I removed the rest of the lighting, and the light rack. The grow room has a tremendous amount of breathing room now. I have one box fan blowing all the tops directly under the light, a small 6in fan blowing directly on the bulb to cool down the area if at all possible.

Pics from today! :) Look at the 2,100k lighting, I love it.bongsmilie2011-11-05 18.09.50.jpg2011-11-05 18.36.51.jpg2011-11-05 18.09.15.jpg2011-11-05 18.09.27.jpg2011-11-05 18.37.00.jpg


All things seems to be going excellent with the plants and the rooms conditions on the line with the light switch.Yesterday they got a heavy watering, so I'm going to see how she feel between 48 to 72hrs.

2011-11-06 15.44.46.jpg2011-11-06 15.44.56.jpg2011-11-06 15.45.06.jpg2011-11-06 09.54.09.jpg2011-11-06 15.44.38.jpg2011-11-06 15.37.29.jpg2011-11-06 15.44.26.jpg2011-11-06 15.45.31.jpg2011-11-06 09.53.47.jpg


Well-Known Member
Trolling around old cfl posts, and came accross this grow!My new pet peeve....people who state eqivalent watts when stating wattage???!!
100w cfl us really 23watts!!!!!!!!! Geeze!