My first indoor AND CFL grow


Well-Known Member
I got my fingers crossed, already told X I hope it turns out as nice as his did.
He's about 40 days ahead of me though, so I still have some time.


Well-Known Member
Tonight when I opened the door, I caught a faint whiff of odor, first time I have been able to smell her without messing around first. :lol:


Well-Known Member
No, you just can't see them after I raised the side fixtures. LOL
I've been too lazy to get out the soldering iron and the heat shrink.


New Member
Glad to hear she's stinkin... this is my purp plant smells crazy...was smelling like grape koolaid... the like a grape flavored Windex... Its weird....I had to snip a bud dry n smoke to make sure she taste OK...taste like kush...its a real weird smell I can stick my nose to it 100 times over n over n it drives me crazy cause I'm like..."wtf is that??"...its like I've smelled it before but can't place it


Well-Known Member
Ya, I like using Meguiar's stuff on the truck, because all their stuff is tested and scented so it doesn't leave a chemical smell.


New Member
Huh?...u lost me...if ur referring to ferts I don't use much...molasses and very small, tastes of bloom booster....only fed 3 times during flowering....the smell shouldn't b from anything I've fed....when I water my run off is always clear...I have 50% per lite so nothing sits in my medium very long with out getting washed out.


Well-Known Member
I was just referring to smell, you had said yours smelled like grape, and it reminded me of how my car stuff smells, because most Meguiar's stuff either smells like banana or grape.

Peezo lo gro

New Member
bakatare that is just amazing to me. You got them branches criss crossing and going every which a way. Mary jane is an amazing lady!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.
After I topped her and got the new shoots, I knew they were going to be too much, so I pulled them cross ways to take up more of the length.
Luckily I started training the rest of them early into flower, 'cause they just kept getting thicker. :)


Well-Known Member
Hope in ninety days or so I will be in the same situation. Those are some fuzzy looking nugs. 👍